13: Did you start a rumor?

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It is the day before we are leaving to Atlanta. And I am wondering if I am still going. Justin hasn't spoken to me all week and he has been giving me weird looks. I think he might know that Joey kissed my cheek. Did Joey tell him?!

I am definitely going to talk to Joey!


"Oh hey Annabelle! Did you miss my kisses?" Joey says as I approach him. God I hate him! Why does he have to be so cocky?

"Oh please!" I say giving him some attitude. "I came over to talk to you about something."

"Oh did you finally break up with that douche Justin and decided you want me." Joey says as he motions to his body.

"Not in a million years!" I snarl. "I need to talk to you alone!" I finish telling him, and I drag him out of his group of friends.

"Fine! But don't be so grabby!"

"Did you start a rumor?"

"You will have to be more specific sweetheart." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Did you or your friends start a rumor that we kissed and then told Justin?" I snap, getting fed up with his attitude. "Because Justin isn't talking to me and I don't know any other reason for him to do that!"

"Fine! You caught me! I told Justin that we... Uhh."

"What? Spit it out!"

"I told him that I went to your door then we made out." He says kind of quietly.

"You what?!" I say dropping my jaw.

"I said that I told him..."

"No no no. I heard you the first time!" I say interrupting him in the middle of explaining again. "Why?! He must be really upset and angry! Why would you do that to me?! Urgg! I hate you!" I shriek in his face and walk away on the verge of tears.


"Anna? Where are you?" I hear Mae and Brooke's voices asking as they walk into the bathroom. They search every stall, looking under for my shoes. Then finally the stall door squeaks open and I'm face to face with them.

"Annabelle? What happened?" Brooke asks calmly, but it doesn't stop me from bursting out in tears when I try explaining.

Once I finally dry my tears and am able to clearly explain it. I start from when Joey came last week then explain how Justin was ignoring me and giving me dirty looks. And also, how Joey came clean. They both just stared at me wide-eyed.

"What the hell is his problem!?" Brooke finally says. "Can I please get Freddie to beat Joey up?"

"Brooke that won't help anything! It would probably just make things worse for Annabelle and Justin!" Mae tells her.

"Ya that would definitely be funny to see his ass kicked but it won't help anything." I say agreeing to Mae's statement.

"Then what are we going to do? He leaves for Atlanta tomorrow and we don't know if you are even going or not!" Brooke exclaims.

"Do you want us to talk to Justin?" Mae asks. I think about the offer but I think it would be best if I talk to him myself.

"No thanks, I think I should be the one to talk to him."

"But what if he doesn't want to talk to you?" Mae asks.

"Then I will just cry for the rest of my life." I joke. Brooke and Mae just chuckle.

"Don't you think we should get going? It is almost second period, you missed all of first."

"Ya that sounds good." I tell them. We link our arms and walk out of the girls bathroom and down the hall to our next class. On the way we pass by Joey and we all stick our middle fingers up at him. And he stumbles backwards into a small ninth grader. He was probably caught off guard, and nobody has ever done that to him before. I'm glad I have such great friends!


When I finally get the courage after staring at him for 5 minutes, I approach Justin, Chaz and Ryan. When Justin sees me he just rolls his eyes. He probably thinks I'm coming over to him to beg for his forgiveness. But I am actually just trying to clear things up.

"Justin?" I say clearing my throat. He turns to look at me for a second, rolls his eyes, and turns back around. "Justin can I please talk to you!?" I say spinning him around.


"Alone." I say, glaring at Chaz and Ryan. They throw their hands up in fake surrender as I drag Justin away with me.

I've decided to pretend I don't know anything about it. So I ask him a simple question. "Why have you been ignoring me? And giving me dirty looks?"

"Like you don't know!" He snaps.

"No! I really don't know! What did I do justin?"

"Last week! Joey! The kiss! Does this ring a bell?!"

"NO! This does not ring a bell! You know why? Because I didn't kiss him! I don't get why you believe him and not me!" I say starting to draw a crowd.

"Why should I believe you? You cheated before!"

"That wasn't cheating! I didn't kiss Joey! He kissed me! It didn't mean a damn thing to me!" I snap back.

"Exactly! You guys kissed before! You told me then! Why won't you tell me now? Why won't you just admit that you made out with him!?"


"Just shut up! I know what you did! Joey knows what you did! And most importantly, you know what you did! WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO HURT ME?!" He screams and raises his hand. I'm left with a stinging feeling in my right cheek. He slapped me.

"I thought you loved me." I whisper and run all the way back to me house with the tears running down my cheeks. I left Justin there with a shocked look on his face.


A/N: thanks for reading :)

Justin is being a b****! Why won't he believe Annabelle!?

And I can't believe I have 1.2K reads! Like Oh My God! Thank you so much! I never thought I would get so many reads, I just started this for fun one day!

Thanks you so much once again!

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