15: Nothing!

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*Annabelle's POV*

I look around at my surroundings wondering why I am in my bathroom. I feel strong arms around me as last nights memories flow back to me. I turn my head around to place a kiss on Justin's cheek. I can't believe all he's done for me, he stopped me from ending my life, even if he is most of the reason. He opens his eyes and looks at me through tired eyes.

"Hello beautiful." He says and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"Hey handsome." I say with a half real- half fake giggle, returning the kiss. My smile slowly fades as I ask him a question that I may regret asking. "Are you still mad at me? Because I honestly didn't kiss Joey."

"I believe you, plus I read your note." He tells me and I sigh in relief. "Are you upset about the slap?"

"I'm overjoyed!" I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "But I do forgive you."

"Good, I love you." He tells me, like he kept repeating last night.

"I love you too." I say with an honest smile.

The next thing I know, Justin has his lips on mine and starts to kiss me with a rough passion. I start to kiss back but suddenly he stops and starts to be more gentle. It's like he thinks I can't take the pressure he is using.

I pull away, "You know I'm not that fragile?"

"I just," He pauses like he's trying to find the right words. "I just feel like you are going to break or something." He finishes with his voice trailing off.

After a long silence Justin speaks up again, "Let's go make some pancakes, we need to have breakfast before we get on that plane to Atlanta."

"Okay." I agree, with a smile. He knows that pancakes are my favourite.

"I wonder how we actually slept through the night like that." I wonder out loud as break our embrace from the night and head down into the kitchen.

"Maybe it's 'cause you sleep the best in my arms." He says with a goofy smirk. "Hey, where is your mom?"

"I actually don't know, she was supposed to come home really late last night so she probably didn't even notice you were there..." I say trailing off. She would have questioned it, why I was sleeping on the bathroom floor in Justin's arms. Then she would have questioned why I had the container of sleeping pills out. Then my mom would have found my note when she put all the clues together, and probably call a mental asylum because she is crazy like that. She would think I have mental problems because I want to end my life but that happens to a lot of people who are bullied. It was technically normal behavior for someone who is bullied.

"You know she will probably find out eventually, my mom will question why I slept at your house and I can't lie to my mom."

"Ya I know." I sigh.

The depressing conversation ends there as we collect everything for the pancakes. Justin turns on the pancake stove and I start mixing the delicious batter. Once the batter is mixed we start pouring it onto the stove in little circles. He starts to flip them and somehow we ended up with 5 of the pancakes on the floor, and one landed on his head.

I start laughing at him when the batter starts running through his hair.

"You shouldn't be laughing!" He tells me and the next thing I know he is lunging towards me with pancake batter on his hand. He reaches over and I have a big smear on my pajama pants.

"JUSTIN!" I shriek. "You are SO gonna get it!" I say as I reach for the leftover pancake batter.

"NO WAY!" Justin tells me as I start walking closer to him, of course I'm not actually gonna do it. I step forward and spill a tiny bit on him. Suddenly he grabs the bowl from my hands and places it on the counter. Then Justin grabs my waist and pulls me towards him. I feel his hot breath on my ear and I get shivers as he speaks. "You would never do that to me right?"

I bite my lip and nod, it's true because I really couldn't pour batter all over him, I would feel really guilty even if it was just a joke. He moves his lips to mine and starts to kiss me passionately. I start moving my lips in sync with his and I feel him smile against my lips. He pulls away slightly and speaks to me again. "But I would do it to you."

I feel his hand remove itself for my waste and I'm confused at first until I feel the cold sticky batter run down my neck. "JUSTIN!" I yell. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?"

"You were gonna do it to me!" He defends.

"I wasn't actually going to! But I will now!" I tell him and his eyes go wide as the batter runs down his neck and down his back.

Before he can do anything else, the worst possible thing happens, "ANNABELLE! What is going on down there?" My mother yells as she walks down the stairs to see the mess awaiting her. As her face comes into view, she has a look of pure horror on her face, it was actually pretty funny. "ANNABELLE AND JUSTIN! WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?" She yells.

Justin and I share glances and we both blurt out,"Nothing!" And burst into a fit of laughter.

"It doesn't look like nothing!" She exclaims. "Clean it up!" My mom finishes and heads back upstairs. But not after giving me a glance wondering why Justin was here. I just give her a look saying that I will explain later.

"I thought my mom left for work already!" I giggle as I start grabbing paper towels to clean up our pancake mess.

"Whoopsie!" Justin giggles like a little girl. We both burst out laughing at his voice crack from trying to go really high pitched.

"IT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE YOU'RE CLEANING DOWN THERE!" My mom yells from her bedroom upstairs. Which causes us to laugh again at how uptight my mom can be about such small things.

It's funny how just last night I was trying to end my life. And it was mostly all because of Justin. Then he saved me and here we are being so happy together. I am so grateful that he is in my life and that he saved my life.

I don't know what I would of done if he was any later.


A/N: okay so this was definitely NOT my best chapter! I had some major writers block. I'm having some troubles getting to the actual main point of the book!

But I still hope you enjoyed this chapter! It definitely isn't as depressing as the last chapter!

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