19: It's Too Late To Apologize

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*Annabelle’s POV*

“Annabelle can you run inside and grab some stuff? Your dad and I are going to a party on Friday night and we were asked to bring some snacks.” My mom asks me as she pulls into the gas station. I look out the car window; staring at a big black van with tinted windows. All I’m thinking about is who could be in that van. My mom snaps me out of my thoughts when she asks me again, “Annabelle can you please go inside?”

“Huh? Yeah mom sure. What do you need?” I ask; still glancing out the window.

“I need three bags of chips; doesn’t matter what kind, two bottles of pop: one of diet coke and one of root beer, I also need two bags of gummy bears for the host’s kids. Here’s a twenty; grab something for yourself too.” She smiles; handing me a crisp twenty dollar bill. I get out of the car with her and head into the convenience store; barely taking my eyes off of the black car.

As soon as I get inside; I quickly grab all of the treats my mom needs. As I’m grabbing the chips, I hear the bell ring; signaling someone has entered the store. I glance up and see a person about my age hiding their face with a big hoodie and sunglasses. I don’t really think anything of it and head over to grab the gummy bears.

Once I have them I scan the candy aisle for a treat for me. My eyes land on the last pack of sour patch kids. As I reach for them someone shuffles over behind me. Not bothering to turn around; I grab the package and feel a warm hand on mine; reaching for the same bag. It feels so familiar and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy.

“Sorry, you can have it.” The familiar voice says. I turn around to look at them but the big sunglasses are covering most of his face but the voice and general look seems so familiar. Without thinking; I reach up at his face; which isn’t much taller than mine and grab the sunglasses. As soon as I see his deep brown eyes my stomach does flips.

“Justin?” I whisper in shock.

He smiles and removes his hood; uncovering his hair and giving it one of his signature hair flips. “Yeah, it’s me.”

At first I’m overjoyed and I want to reach up and kiss his soft lips. But then, I remember that he forgot about me. Justin is probably already in love with another celebrity that can give him anything and everything. Why would he want me? The celebrity that I was hopelessly in love with didn’t try to contact me for one and a half months. How could you not be upset?

“I… uh? I have to go.” I say and rush away; but first I hand him his sunglasses that I was still holding.

“Annabelle! Please just wait!” He tells me.

“We have nothing to talk about Justin. I need to go pay!” I say as I turn towards the counter; fighting back tears.

“Here are your sour patch kids.” He says shyly and quietly; making me turn around and he hands me the green bag.

“Thanks.” I say quietly; taking them from his hands.

“Ex-boyfriend?” The teenage employee asks as I approach the counter.

Letting a small smile creep onto my lips I reply with “Yes.” It’s funny how she can just notice what’s happening just by over hearing our conversation.

“I won’t ask any more questions.” She chuckles. “That will be twelve-ninety-nine.” She continues when she’s done scanning my items.

I hand her the twenty and she hands me my change. “I hope you can work it out with him.” She smiles.

“Yeah… me too.” I mutter quietly only so she can hear. “Thank you.” I say a little louder as I leave the convenience store.

Fighting back my tears; I make my way into the car with my mom waiting. I’m waiting until I get home to let myself cry. “Can we hurry up and leave?” I ask my mom quietly.  

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