Chapter 1 - You Again

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You Again 

Nicole's pov 

its been four months , that i havent seen them , i miss the boys , they always keep tweeting me , oh good news i changed my twitter username lol , to my name .

i sat on my bed staring at my posters , i dont have solo posters i dont want that its kinda unfair , i love them equally . 

im guessing your all curious when they went here 4 months ago , well we went to boracay veyr pretty beach ive been there 5 times still love that , also we went to enchanted kingdom its like Disneyland of philippines , also we went to this pretty resturant with Rochelle's parents , it was good meeting her parents <3 

i check my twitter and started to do my job , to fangirl . 

@Nicole_Loves1D : i miss @onedirection

i didnt change my username literally at first it was @NiallsHungry remember that ? then i changed it to @1Dhotsutffs then niall decided to change it to @Nicole_Loves1D but im good with that . 

 now i stopped college and accepted the job offer of my favorite deisgner , he wants me to be his designer !! cant you believe that ! now he is helping me build my business cuz i did so much to imrpove is business . 

 im 17 and im going to have my own line already , isnt this exciting ? 

my phone rang , i checked the caller i.d its rochelle 

" hello ? " i said

" hey !! i got tickets !! vip !!! " she scriemed in joy

" woah calm down tickets to what ? " i asked

" u forgot they are going to tour in our country !!!!! dude seriously .. i told u last month ..  " she said , now i remember where we are tour is going to philippines 

" oh yeah when is it again ?  "i asked

" dude tomorrow night !! " she said

" oh ok .. ill just meet you there make sure you will bring my ticket ... " i said 

" u sound like ur not excited " she said

" just tired you know work .. ive been working for 3 months no more teen life .. haha but its fun and very tiring " i said 

" ok .. see tomorrow night wear something sexy pleaseeee " she said 

" why ? " i asked

" just please im gonna wear a dress .. " she said

" fine im gonna wear a black fitted dress " i said 

" yay bye !! " she said nad hang up 


another phone call , its louis tommo 

" heyya boo bear " i said 

" you going tomorrow ? " he asked

" yes " i said 

" vip ? " he asked

" yes  " i said 

" cool , can i meet you now ? " he asked

" now ? you mean now ? your in our country ? " i asked

" yeah .. 5 days in this beautiful country of urs " he said 

" ok , ill meet you ... in ... uh .. just go to Sm Aura , its a mall near my home .. just tell ur driver " i said 

" yup .. bye " i said 

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