Chapter 2 - Fun

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Rochelle's pov 

i was in our living room at home , my parents is at work , brother went somewhere i dont even care about that , im just freaking alone right now , few min ago i called nicole , she totally forgot about the concert tomorrow . 

i have an answer to stop this boredom 

To Niall : 

You buisy ?? 

From Niall : 

yeah ..... sorry ..... princess

To Niall :

i miss you ... im alone at home .... 

From Niall :

its fine my princess .... just go watch t.v ... ok ill text you later 

i didnt reply back , i went to the kitchen and open the fridge , searched for some food im craving .. and i finally found my fav. food .... donuts ... i grab a plate and put some 5 donuts on it and then went back to the living room , i placed my plate on the table infront of me , i grab the remote and search for some shows .. to watch 

and finally found something to watch ... 

after 2 hours .. i have watched 3 shows ... and still bored . 

i stand up and walk towards the door of my room , i stop when i felt something wrong .... is something really wrong ? 

what if niall got hurt ? what if .... someone kinapped him 

" oh shut up rochelle .. " i told myself , then everything went black , just two hands on my eyes .... i touched it , and its big .. maybe its a he .. 

" please .. dont kill me ... " i said 

" how can i kill the most beautiful girl ive ever seen .. " he said , that voice ... its familiar .. thick irish accent .. 

" niall " i said 

" yes my princess ? " he asked then removed his hands off my eyes , i quickly turned around and hug him 

" i miss you i was so bored you know !! "i said hugging him tightly never wanting to let go 

" woah princess .... cant breath " he said 

" well ... i dont want to let go "  i said while sounding liek a kid 

" my princess ... we have to go somewhere " he said

"where will that be ? " i asked

" it wont be a surprise if i tell you ... " he said

" fine ... " i said " im going to change first " i said and he nodded

" ok ill go to the kitchen cuz im starving love " he said and i giggled

Nicole's pov 

Zayn and Louis wanted to shop ... so we went to forever 21 , i dont want them to buy something for me , i dont like people wasting money on me . 

i was left in the middle of the store while zayn and louis wander around ..... after 20 min they came back with two cart full of clothes 

my eyes went big 

" what the hell is that ? " i asked

" well we dont like how you dress .. i mean u look good but time to be a woman love " louis said 

" not that many ! " i said 

" love not all is for you .. im gonna get perrie some .. also louis will get eleanor some .. " zayn said 

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