Chapter 9 - Strippers ??

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Strippers ?? 


fight for the one you love - twerklike_harry


Nicole's pov

im 18 today !!!!! , my family called and greeted they wanted me there. to celebrate cuz 18 is a special age for teen girls in philippines , in other countries its 16 , but yes !!! im 18 finally i am free , well ive been free for years , my parents are not that strick. 

i woke up alone in harry and louis' flat , where are they ? i know they have a break like me !  i stood infront of the mirror , checking how i look , i fixed my hair then went to the kitchen , i smell pancakes , once i saw the plate i wanted to eat the pancakes on it , taste good ...

" you can eat it .. its for you " a familiar voice said i turned around and saw harry standing infront of me with a big smile on his face

 " happy birthday " he said and kissed me cheeks , i just blushed big 

 time , he pulled me into a hug , i love being with him

 " uh harry ... you have to stop hugging me cuz im very hungry and i need those pancakes in my stomach" i told im and he chuckled he let go of me , so  i quickly sat on the chair started to eat those delicious pancakes

" wheieeere ish louiehh ? " i asked with my mouth full

 " what ?? dont talk when ur mouth is full  " he said when my mouth is empty i took a deep breath

 " where is louis  ? " i asked 

 " oh him .... he is with the lads ... they left me cuz i was asleep .. they left us early .. " he said 

 " oh ok .. " i said 



i told harry ill be just going to shower , and he told me we will watch a film .. after my 30.min shower , i wore a black plain shirt , and a skinny jeans, then i fixed my hair into a messy bun , i didnt wore any make-up so you can see how clean my face is ... yes my face is perfectly clean no pimples ... i dont have any eyebags ... 

 i went to the living room and he is not there , so i quickly went to his room , i knocked 2 times and he shouted ' come in ' i slowly opened the door , i was shock his room is so clean , i walk towards him and sat beside him on his bed

" were gonna watch here " he said 

 " why ?? " i asked

 " so we can lay down ... the bed is more ocmfortable than the couch " he said 

 " yeah .. " he put on the film ' the notebook ' he is such .. a weird guy 

this movie is very emotional for me thats why i stopped watching it , i dont want to stop it cuz harry likes it .. 

 i fell asleep when allie and noah met at the carnival , yeah that fast i just dont want to watch it cuz ill cry like a mad woman . 


Harry's pov

 she fell asleep on my arms , she smell's so good , i checked the time and its 2 p.m she's been sleeping for 3 hours and i didnt move an inch cuz she'll woke up 

i fell asleep too , sleeping with her not havign sex is very sweet , i love this position .. she kept hugging me tight , she doesnt want to let go ... my phone vibrated , i checked the message its louis

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