Chapter 11 - Half A Heart Without You

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Half A Heart Without You 


fight for someone you really love - twerklike_harry 


Nicole's pov 

time has passed by tomorrow , is christmas and tonight is is special , the whole family will go eat dinner in a resturant , my brothers are excited , my mum keeps fixing her hair , my dad is quiet .. after driving , we arrived at this fancy resturant here in italy , yes we are in italy . i flew them here to tour til 2nd day of january , i want them to see the beauty of this country , cuz i love this place its magical .. 

" any reservations mam ? " the woman asked

" yes nicole manuel " i told her

 " oh come with me mam .. " she said we followed her and she leads the way to the fancy table . we all sat down making ourselves comfortable , i forgot to tell you all i 

 kendall is with us .. 

 " so kendall what is ur job ? " my dad asked him 

 " im a waiter in my grandparents cafe in new york but ill start uni on january .. " he answered

" so what did u took ? " my mum asked

 " oh civil engineer " he answered

 " wow !! thats amazing "  i said 

 " oh look !!! " my dad pointed , we all looked to where he's pointing at, this is weird , harry with gemma and anne is here ... 

 " dad ... dont talk to them , all of you dont .. i dont want to talk to him too " i told them 

 " fine " they all chorused

the waiter got our orders , i kept drinking the wine , then i realized i need to pee

 " im going to use the restroom " i said , i grab my bag and walk to the resroom , the door for the male's open then i bump into someone

" sorry " i said 

 " its fine " a familiar voice said , i looked up and saw harry 

 " ill take that sorry back " i said , i continue to walk but he grabs my arm

" nicole .. can we talk ?? " he asked

 " no .. so let go of me now i need to pee " i said 

 " no .. until you give me a time to explain everything " he said 

 " ok ok .. but not now ... next time  " i said 

 " tomorrow night meet me infront of the leaning tower of pisa , oh 7 p.m " he said 

i nodded and quickly went to the ladies room .

 After dinner , we all went back to the hotel . Everyone was tired so they all went to sleep . Me and Kendall is going to share a room.

Well there were 2 bedrooms in my suit , I quickly changed into my pajama's and went to sleep . 

Rochelle's pov 

I woke up cuz of the smell of the food ?  i walked out of my room and saw my mother cooking , my brother is getting ready and i mean by getting ready spending the next hours standing infront of the mirror just to fix his hair . 

" merry christmasssssssss " niall shouted , i was so glad we are at his home .. in ireland actually .. my family loves it here the past few weeks my album was out , it was no 1 actually ... of course 1D helped me promote .. almost all of the directioenrs are now my fans arent they awesome .. i mean arent we awesome ? 

" so what time is ur family going to arrive ? "  i asked , well me and my family is staying at niall's house a bit far from the horan's house 

Zayn's pov 

christmas , even though were muslims we this day is special , specially to mrs malik ... Perrie is 3 months pregnant now . My mum is excited , my sister ... cousins ... But the most excited person in this house is me Im going to be a dad in 6 months ! can you believe that ?

its time to give them their presents , i got perrie a very lovely necklace i dont care if its expensive as long as my baby is happy .. she quickly opened the gift , then was shock seeing the red box 

 " omg .. zayn whats this ? " she asked

" youll never know if you dont open it " i told her , she slowly opens it 

" oh ... my .. god ... zayn !! this is too expensive !! " she shouted

 " shut up and come here give me a kiss my love " i told her 

she quickly pressed her lips to mine , my family and hers was cheering this night is perfect

i just wish this christmas the other lads to be happy like me. 

Nicole's pov 

the whole day of christmas we all went shopping and went to some tourist spots her in italy , everything was amazing . we went back to the hotel at 5:30 p.m everyone went to sleep early cuz they already got their gifts so am i .. my parents is asleep already they got so tired of walking . i quickly went to my dressing room and changed into a black dress with a matching black pump heels , then i tied my hair up , and left some bangs down , then i wore my coat . i quickyl placed my wallet , phone , i pod on my bag and went to the the leaning tower of pisa .

" you came " i heared someone said , i turned around and saw harry 

 " yeah .. i did .. " i told him 

 " lets go " he said , then grabs my hands pulling me somewhere

  " where are we going ? "  i asked him 

 " somewhere private "  he told me 

after 20 min , we arrvied at a park there was a lake there , we sat on the bench and stared at the sky 

" merry christmas " he started 

" merry christmas "  i said 

" nicole , im so sorry ... for being a jerk , i said hurtful things its because  i was mad and jealous .. i was mad of myself for letting you go, for not fighting my love for you .. i was jealous cuz i thought ur dating that stripper ! " he said 

 " harry .. calm down .. you know i already forgave you .. "  i told him " i just , i was nto ready to face you .. cuz when i see you everything replays on my mind ... i was so scared and tired of this shit "  i add and started to cry 

" nicole .. please do not cry .. i love you so much .. im so dumb for giving up .. im so fucking dumb for saying those words .. i was so mad at myself .. and i just wish you will forget all those and start all over again .. " he said , start again  ? should i say yes ? 

 " uh .. sure .. lets start again .. " i said

 " thank you , so nicole ... will you come with me tonight for a special 

 date " he said 

 " sure .. "  i said 


short and crappy chapter again sorry

photo of harry and nicole on the side . 

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next chapter a photo of rochelle and niall 

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