Chapter 17 - Honeymoon Part 1

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Rochelle's pov

This is the day were going to fiji !!! yes fiji, It was a gift from the Horan Family.

The plane was really about to land, Niall is sleeping beside me. His head is rested on my shoulders while i was reading a book called ' where is the heart ? ' its about a 17 y.o girl pregnant but yeah you dont wanna know anything about it cuz im still not finish reading it. 

I closed my book and placed it on my bag, Then stared outside the window i can see all the the islands the wonderful sea. It was amazing. 

" Good Morning Passengers were about to land in 15 min, I repeat were about to land in 15 minutes so please go back to your proper seats and put the seatbelts back on, Thank you for flying with us " the pilot annonced

" niall .. wake-up .. were about to land .. :" i told him, He slowly opens his eyes and streatches his arms.

" good morning love " he greeted

" morning .. you do know i didnt sleep yet you did .. so you lost the bet " i told him

" fine .. yo got to choose our lunch later ... " he said defeated . 

About the bet, Before the plane took off Niall told me to go to sleep but i told him i dont want so he just said that he will stay awake like me but i told him he cant do that he loves to sleep so he started the bet but then looses . 

 " you know ... i eat eevrything right ? " he said

" nah .. i know what food you dont like .. " i told him, Louis secretly told me that he hates crabs in soup

" huh ? " he whispered

We arrived at the house that we rented for 2 weeks, I placed my bag on the bed and Niall carried all the luggages to the room. I walk in the living room and sat on the couch then turned the flat screen t.v on. 

Niall is still in the room and taking so long so i got curious and check him, I open the room and saw him sleeping.

I went to the living room and turned the t.v off then went back to our room. I lay beside him and pulled the blanket up. I gently removed the hair on his face then kissed him. I checked the time its 10:32, I have to cook us lunch so i went to the market wich is an outside market or public market. 

After buying all the ingredients i went back to our house and started to cook Niall's favorite food that i cook which is spaghetti not an ordinary one, i have my own style of cooking it that he loves most. 

After cooking i prepared the table and made it so romantic with a candle in the middle and two wine glass and others, its like an expensive resturant im so proud of myself. 

" honey !!! " he shouted, i quickly went to our room and saw him shaving ? 

" hey .. why are you shouting ? "  i asked

" i smell food .. " he told me

i snaked my hands on his waist hgging him from the back. 

" i made lunch my sexy husband " i told him 

" ooh lunch ... ill be there in 5 min. " he said and i nodded


Niall's pov 

After lunch, We decided to walk around a few fans ask for photo's and autographs while were roaming around. We stopped at a small souvenir sho, Rochell smiled and walked inside to check all the stuff their selling. 

I just stood outside watching the people passing by, Then i saw a small shop infront with guitars .. i smiled and walk towards it, I was walking inside checking the guitars then bumped to someone

" sorry .. " i said, she picked her books and so did i, but then i accidentally touched her hands, she stares at me and i did the same thing 

" so thats why your gone .. " someone said, we both looked up and saw Rochelle her hands were crossed on her chest and was very angry . 

" its not what it looks like " i said

" no niall ! i just like left for 5 min now ur with a girl holding her hand ?? " she said then started to ran away 

" sorry about that " she said 

" uh i gotta go and catch her " i told the girl and she jst nodded

i quickly ran to follow rochelle and searched for her in the entire market place but she wasnt there, so i decided to go back to the house to see if she is there

I opened the door and quickly ran to our bedroom, i saw her on the floor her back is rested on the wall her legs is up and hiding her face she was crying actually.

i walk towards her and went down on my kness

" babe .. i didnt cheat let me explain " i told her

" fine explain " she said

" i cant explian when ur not looking at me " i told her, she looked at me and her eyes was really red from crying

" i bumped into her and her books fell so i helped her pick it up .. then accidentally holds her hand, i didnt want that to happen .. i dont wanna cheat on you .. i love you and i already married you because im here for you forever and will never cheat on you " i told her

" its .. an accident ? " she asked and i nodded, then she quickly hugs me making us both fall on the floor making her on top of me. 



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