Chapter 19 - Fight or Love ?

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Harry's pov

" i tried to call her like 50 times and also texted her i even tweeted and emailed her .. also checked her facebook and she wont answer! " i told louis

its been a week when we started to go the the so called ' therapist ' that liam told us to do. yesterday i didnt even saw her, and also right now .. today she is still gone, wheret he hell is she and she doesnt answers my calls ..

my phone rang and saw her name on the screen, i quickly picked it up


" wh-what do you mean ? " she asked

" where are you i tried to contact you for almost 28 hours now !! ive been worrying sick ! " i said

" calm down ... your scaring me .. " she said, i took a deep breath and said " where are you ? " 

" im in south africa " she said, she is what !!?

" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THERE ? DID YOU FOUND SOMEONE NEW AND BETTER IN BED !! ? god ur such a ..  "i shouted, i was holding the remote so hard so i wont throw stuff

" what the hell are you saying ?? i came here for charity !! for gods sake harry !! were getting married in like 1 and a half month and your telling me that i found someone better !! in bed !!?? fuck harry !! there is no signal here and now i found some ! and you cant just say those things to me when you dont veen know my story !! " she shouted and her voice was really cracking. 

" i..i... i was worried sick .. you didnt even told me that your going there you know .. " i told her

" i told you a week ago that ill be gone for work next week !! cant you remember ? " she asked

" im sorry ok ! i was worried .. " i said

" no.. harry .. your just ;.. uhhgg !! i cant believe you said that .. i have to go .. im going to work .. " she said and hang up

Nicole's pov

 i cant believe he forgot that im going here, and i cant believe he said that to me it was very hurtful. 

i went back to the tent to help those kids who cant hear and speak .. 

this day is making me stress

" Nicole you ok ? " Luke asked, Luke is my p.a he is .. gay you know but he doesnt look liek one because he is such a good looking guy but yeah he is gay. 

" yeah im fine .. "  isaid while putting the hearing aid to the little girl infront of me

" i heared you shout .. what happened ? " he asked

" just .. personal .. you know and its giving me lots of stress .. " i said

" you should go back to the van and rest .. ill be finishing all of this with the others.. " he told me

" ok .. thank you " i told him . 

Rochelle's pov

" he did what !!? " i shouted asking niall what harry just did to nicole

" he .. told me everything .. i just cant believe harry did that .. i mean.. Nicole told him that she will leave for charity just 3 days and now he forgot it and shouted things to her .. i really think she is crying right now " Niall said

" niall .. she is strong and lets not please talk about that we care for them but .. im pregnant remember ? no stress for me .. " i reminded him

" can we .. have sex ? " he asked

" niall ! im pregnant ! " i told him

" what ? my cousin did that .. he told me her wife is 4 months pregnant and they still have sex.. and your just like 4 weeks or 3 ? " he said

" almost 4 weeks " i said

" pleaseeeeeeeeeeee ?  " he begged

" no niall .. please im tired.. lets go to sleep  " i offered

" fine .. " he said


Harry's pov 

i cant think straight right now what i did to her was wrong, i should have trusted her, this is just wrong im wrong. 

i wanted to apologize but there is no signal to where she is right now so i decided to tweet

@Harry_Styles : Before you say a word you must think about it so you cant hurt someone else. 

@Harry_Styles : I love you and im really sorry for saying that .. 

I put my phone back in my pocked and lay on my bed, just staring at the blank ceiling. The ceiling that Nicole wanted to paint ...  not just a plain paint .. she wanted to draw something .. she wanted to draw our face ... our photo together when we got married. 

Now im ruining it. Im an idiot for saying that. My phone vibrated, i quickly pulled it out of my pocket and saw the caller, its her..

" Hello ? love ? im really sorry " i told her

" Im sorry if i said those hurtful things to you, you know i didnt mean that .. also it was all my fault, i was just nervous that you are gone for 2 days and i forgot you told me that last week .. please please forgive me "  i added, then no one was talking i checked the screen and the call was ended. 

She really do hate me now. 

The next day 

I woke up because i smell breakfast, wait... im alone and why do i smell brekafats? 

I quicly get out of my bed and wore my boxer and a plain shirt, I walk to the kitchen and saw Nicole preparing the breakfast.

" Ni..Nicole !! " i said i ran to her then pulled her into a hug

" harry .. let go .. " she said with a serious tone 

" no ... i will not .... you know  i fidn it hard to sleep last night i was so ... worried that you will leave me, I was so scared tha i will loose you, i know i said things but i didnt mean that .. " i explained

" i know .. i will never leave you harry .. never .. " she said, i then kissed her on her lips, i miss her soft pink lips which taste like strawberry 

" when did u learn to use a lipstiick with a flavour like that ? " i asked with a big smile on my face

" uh... cuz luke gave me that because she said i should try that .. because he just saw that in a mall in south africa.. " she said " lets eat breakfast .. " she added, I nodded and we both sat on our chairs and started to eat 

" what time did you get home ? " i asked

Nicole's pov 

" i dont know maybe 3 hours ago ? i think it was ... 4 a.m .. " i told him 

He started to eat the pancakes i cooked and drink some milk i prepared

" you know .. im really glad u dont hate me or mad at me " he said

" im not mad at you or hate you .. i hate what you said ... Harry please do not hurt me like that again " i told him

"  i will never ever hurt you again .. i promise .. " he said, should i believe him ? 

I know he said he promose but promises are meant to be broken ... Many people had said that to me they kept saying ' i promise ' but then will break it in the end, but i guess i should trust harry .. 


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