Chapter 5 - Ignore me , I Can Deal with that

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Ignore me , I Can Deal with that 

Nicole's pov 

we went to the central park here in new york , just walk around , even though we saw like 5 paps hiding in the bush , behind the trees , also some acting like a normal person . 

a group of teenage girls ran towards us 

" hi harry can we take a photo with you please ? " the blonde one asked

" sure " harry said 

" uh can you ... take a photo of us ? " she asked me with a bratty tone

" sure " i said , and she gave me her phone , all of them stands next to harry and smiled the other who is very slutty kissed him on his cheeks while harry blushed .. 

" thankss !! " they all said , i gave her back the phone 

" you his girlfriend ? " one asked

" no-no " i answered

" we know you .. you love him .. still you kept going back to him while u just broke up with cody ... " slutty said 

" uh .... i dont .. we dont ... " i cant finish 

" just .... leave harry we know you will play with him .. " one said 

" girls .. she is not a bad person .. " harry defended

" no ! look at her acting so innocent when she is not .. she probably fucked cody many times ... " one said 

i cant do this , i have to get out of here , i removed my hands from harry's grip and ran , i ran and ran , i dont care where im heading to

after an hour of running , i stopped in a very beautiful cafe , it looks very vintage and simple ... 

i went inside , and noticed the people inside were like couples , old couples ... i found an empty table besides the window , so i placed my bag on the table and i sat on the chair , a waiter walk towards me , he is quite young actually , he looks 19 ... 

" good afternoon , what can i get you ? " he asked , he has this sweet voice that you will love , you can see that he is very sweet and fun guy by his smile and aura 

" i just want any coffee you have .. " i said 

" ok mam ... thats it ? " he asked

" yes ... please " i said and he left 

i opened my bag and searched for my journal and pen , then placed my bag under the table and started to sketch something 

the waiter came back with a coffee , it has a foam and chocolate sprinkles cute ... 

" here you go mam , also i dont want you to pay its on me for a lovely girl infront of me " he said

" awwe thanks .. you can join me if you want .. " i said and he just nod, he sat on the chair infront of me and joined me 

" so ... why are you here alone ? " he asked

" uh .. i just saw the decor outside everything looks simple .. i love it and i ran from a friendly date ... " i said

" why ? " he asked " wait dont answer that sorry " he said

" nah its fine " i said while sketching 

" you look very familiar do i know you ? " he asked

" oh .. uh .. maybe cuz im famous .. im not bragging about it .. just lucky i guess ... " i told him

" oh your cody simpsons gf ! " he said

" ex " i corrected

" oh .. sorry ... also .. i saw you in fandom war .. i love that show but it only lasted a week .. i love ed sheeran " he said 

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