Chapter 10 - My Fault

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My Fault 


never get drunk , you will not know what will happen next - twerklike_harry 


Nicole's pov

i woke up early , i rolled around a hug someone , my eyes widened is it harry ? 

i sat down and noticed this is not harry's room .. i checked if im naked but im not , i checked the guy beside me , its the stripper , what shall i do , what happened last night ?? 

* flash back *

i went to the rest room to pee , i went to the last door that is empty , then i heared two voices talking ..

 " you do know its her birthday ... you cant just ruin this " a familiar girl voice said 

 " you do know i need harry .. he wants me , im good at bed .. he told me that ... he also told me that nicole doesnt deserves her ... " another girl said 

 i look on the side of the door that is slightlty open and saw selena gomez and cara delevigne , they were talking about me i just stayed there til they got out my heart broke into pieces , they also think that im a whore , that im using harry .. i guess i really dont deserve him , i ran out of the rest room and quickly grab my bag from julia , i exited the club , and ran outside to the dark street , then started to walk when i know im a little bit far 

" hello .... beautiful lady " a old man said , 2 mens were beside him.

" wanna have some fun ? " the bald guy asked

" no please leave me alone " i said scared

 " dont be scared ... were just here to make you happy tonight " the blonde one said he looks young , he grabs my arm and pulled me closer

 " let go of me !! " i shouted

 " dont shout ... or this night will be horrible .. " the old guy said

 " leave her alone " someone ordered , we all looked to the person , i know him he was the stripper 

 " what yah gonna do ? " bald guy asked , the stripper started to beat the 3 guys who were trying to get me or even rape me ..he finished them clean , then they ran away from us ,  i ran towards the stripper and gave him a hug 

" thank you soo much .. " i said with tears

 " dont cry your safe  " he said 

 " i wanna go home .. " i told him

 " ill drive you there .. " he offered

 " no .... drive me to your house .. im a bit drunk .. i dont want to stay back to the flat in this situtation " i told him

 " ok .. " 

* end of flashback *

" good morning your awake .. " the stripper said , i ner got his name ..

 " hey .. uh .... " 

 " jake .. " he said 

 " hey good morning jake , do you have any aspirin ? " i asked and he noddeds he exited the room and went back with a water and medicine

"you should go home now .. " he told me 

 " do you mind helping me today ? i need to find a flat .. " i told him

 " oh now ?? " he asked

 " yes ... i dont want to live with them anymore .. " 

 " why ? i mean you and that curly guy looks ok together " he said 

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