Chapter Seven (Percy Point Of View)

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I woke up next to the campfire right where I had fallen asleep.

I clapped my hands together. It started raining, just drizzling.

"Girls!" I called out. The hunters stepped out of their tents.

The rain seemed to bend around them.

Well, it kind of was. . .

It was all swirling into a center vortex, where little shining lights had seemed to fall from the sky along with the rain. The little gold lights formed a shape ---- the shape of a young girl.

Zoë Nightshade.

The huntresses gasped.

The rain slowly stopped, and the glowing girl was there. She glowed brighter and brighter until she was blindingly bright, then she stopped. She became just a normal girl, fully alive, with a faint silver aura that all of Artemis's hunters had.

Zoë Nightshade smiled at all of her sisters in the hunt.

The hunters just stared for a while, but a second later, Zoë was hit by the force of a freight train as all the huntresses tackled her in a group hug.

I crept back into the shadows and smiled as I watched Zoë be welcomed back by her fellow huntresses.

Zoë Nightshade had once again joined the world of the living.

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