Chapter Ten (Percy's Point Of View)

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I was having another nightmare. Awesome.


Being tortured, poisonous knives, electric whips, all that boring stuff.

So I saw Gaea appear again and kick Tartarus away, and then teleport me to the not-dream world.

I sat up.

"Thanks, Gaea," I said, "I would think that after all this time, my dreams would get less boring, but I think they've gotten more boring!

"After all this time. That's from Harry Potter!(I would like to say that ShatteringTheFourthWall wants to say something: "Always." She hopes some people are sad.)

"You've read it?" Nico asked.

"I don't have dyslexia anymore. That's one good thing about all this. I'm halfway through the House of Hades. Its the second Percy Jackson series. I'm pretty sure I have a stalker."

I clapped my hands and the book appeared and the blood all over me disappeared. I started reading it.

A few seconds later, I through the book at the wall.

"That is too inaccurate!" I shouted. I walked out of the tent muttering about "Why would my stalker write about my first time in Tartarus anyway? It would give all the kids nightmares for months if they knew what it was really like."

Nico came out of the tent and ran up to me.

"Why's Gaea here?" he asked. "She's evil."

I stopped and turned to him. "You didn't try to kill her, did you?"

"No, no, she just helped you," Nico said. "It's just, she's evil."

"She's not anymore. Now I just half to yell at her all the time about how Annabeth wasn't her fault. Of course, I should've listened to her about it not being my fault, but I didn't. Just one of the dumb things I did. Anyway, she's very sorry for trying to take over the world and makes it up to me in every way she can, like teaching me every language and waking me up from the nightmares like the one you just saw --- oh gods!"

I switched directions and ran back to the tent as fast as I could, which was really fast. I didn't stop in time when I got in though, so I smashed right into the back wall and brought down the whole tent on top of us.

"Sorry," I muttered, snapping my fingers and fixing the tent. "I had something to tell you. . . what was it again? . . . oh yeah. I wanted to tell you that Tartarus is going to try and rise."

Everyone stared at me.

"How do you know that?" Artemis asked.

I shrugged. "He told me."

Then a lot of things happened.

Gaea paled and walked towards me along with Artemis, Thalia, and Athena, who had just appeared, and Nico.

The huntresses ran out of the room to prepare for war, and Zeus called a council meeting in the most dramatic way possible.

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