Chapter Thirteen (Part Two) (Third Person)

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This is the last part of this chapter. Enjoy it. *smiles*

Percy and Nico stood back to back as they fought the monsters and evil demigods.

The mission was relatively easy. They just had to go in and kill everything inside the main base of the enemy army. Easy as pie, right?

For most people, that statement seems innacurate. But to someone like Percy or Nico, it was pretty much just a walk in the park.

Not that they could even take a walk in the park without something bad happening.

Maybe that was a bad analogy, considering how this was almost no trouble at all for the two.

Or maybe it was a perfect one.

Percy cut down monsters left and right, along with the occasional demigod that got in his path. Nico stood near him, causing near the same amount of damage as the other.

"So, Nico," Percy said, cutting the head off of a cyclops.

"Yeah, Percy?" Nico asked.

"Want to go out for ice cream after this?" Percy asked, smirking slightly even though Nico couldn't see.

Nico's eyes widened slightly as he stabbed a demigod in the chest. The demigod fell to the ground and tried to stanch the flow of blood from his chest, but he died mere seconds later with a scream. But Nico's eyes didn't widen because of that.

"Are you—" Nico spluttered, "are you asking me out on a—"

"Yes," Percy said, cutting the leg off of a demigod. "What else would I be doing?"

"But we are in the middle of fighting a bunch of monsters," Nico stated as he kicked a hellhound away from him and stopped at demigod in the forehead. A stem of blood sprouted from the demigod's head and he collapsed to the ground, dead. "You're going to ask me out now?"

"Why not?" Percy said as he cut off three monster's heads with one swing of his sword.

Nico thought about it as he cut the hellhound thy he had kicked in half. "Nothing," Nico said after a second.

"Okay then," Percy said. They fell into a silence.

Percy muttered some weird poem under his breath as he killed the demigods and monsters. Nico could just barely hear the words.

"One dark day

In the middle of the night,

Two dead men

Got up to fight.

One was blind

And the other couldn't see,

So they used a dummy

As their referee.

They stood back to back

And faced each other,

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