Chapter Nine (Percy's Point Of View)

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We decided that Nico would come back to the hunt with me.

So we walked (well, I skipped. I tell you --- I'm going insane! Actually, I'm already insane. . . I am in most of these stories by ShatteringThe4thWall) all the way to the hunt in silence, both of us ginning from ear to ear. I had my arm over his shoulder.

When we got to the camp, all of my sisters and Artemis looked over at us.

"Hey, ladies, this is Nico, the only person who didn't betray me." I introduced Nico.

The girls walked up and talked to Nico.

Things like, "Nice to meet you, Nico, I'm glad you stayed loyal to our brother."

"Hi. Do thou remember me? I'm Zoë. I died, but Percy brought me back. You better treat him well."

"Thanks for sticking up for our cousin, Death Breath."

And even, "Not bad, for a man."

"Are you two together?" Thalia asked, smirking.

Nico rubbed the back of his neck, but I just smiled.

"Yes," I replied.

Artemis shrugged. "At least neither of you are pestering my huntresses."

Nico smiled, and I kept smiling.

"Well, let me bring you to your tent. Right this way, good sir," I said with some weird accent, bowed and held out my hand.

"Yes please," Nico said, and placed his hand in mine. We ran off, leaving the crowd of hunters and Artemis behind.

"Death Breath and Kelp Head sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I--- OW!"

I hear an argument start as Thalia talked to whoever had hit her in the back of the head.

*     *     *

I led Nico into my tent.

"You can sleep in that empty bed." I pointed to the bed next to mine.

Nico lay down, and I lay down in my bed.

"Goodnight, Nico," I whispered.

"Goodnight, Percy," Nico whispered back.

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