Chapter Eight (Third Person)

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Artemis walked into Percy's tent. Percy was lying on his bed, staring off into space above him.

"Hi," he muttered when he heard her walk in.

"Hi," Artemis said, "thanks for bringing back Zoë."

"No problem," Percy replied. "I can still bring back four more people."

"Four more people?" Artemis asked. "But shouldn't it be, like, three more people or something? You had to have brought back someone to help you out from Tartarus."

"I think I can do some simple math," Percy said, still staring off into space, but his gaze was slightly more troubled. "And I would appreciate it if you don't mention that --- that place while I am here." Percy's eyes flashed slightly.

Artemis took a step back, startled.

Percy looked over, then back off into space and sighed. "Never mind. But who didn't turn against me?"

"Only one person," Artemis said sadly.

"Who is it, who is it?"

Artemis looked over at Percy. "Nico di Angelo. He was given partial immortality so that he could help search for you."

Percy jumped out of the bed and ran out of the camp before Artemis had even made it out of his tent.

*     *     *

Percy ran into the camp at full speed, barreling in so fast that all the campers saw was a blur.

Percy ran out to the Hades cabin. He stopped right in front of it and knocked.

The door opened a second later to reveal a very tired Nico di Angelo.

He saw Percy smiling right in front of him, and all grogginess left his body.

He tackled Percy.

Percy fell backwards and they rolled across the hill for a second before Nico untangled himself from Percy, was just lying down in front of him, with a big smile.

Suddenly, Nico's fist was in Percy's face. His face was suddenly coated with golden ichor.

That's when Nico noticed the scars all over Percy's face and how he hadn't even stopped smiling.

"What happened?" he asked.

Percy stopped smiling immediately and his face turned to stone. He seemed to grow older in front of Nico's eyes.

"A lot," was all he said. Then he stood up and dusted himself off.

"Now what I'm wondering," Percy said, returning to his usual self, just looking angry, "is why Artemis didn't tell the only person who didn't turn on me that she had found me two thousand years ago."

Nico's eyes widened. "You were found two thousand years ago?" he asked.

"Well, then I left again, but that's beside the point."

Nico groaned.

"Now I have to go, but I should probably explain a few things first. To your cabin!"

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