Epilogue (Third Person)

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Artemis would deny it for the rest of her days, but she felt sad when Percy locked the door and didn't come out.

But she knew he needed time to recover from all that happened. And to think that he had just gotten better.

Artemis felt an anger bubbling up inside her. Over the years, Percy and even Nico had become like older brothers to her huntresses. She thought of them as sons, though she would never admit it.

Artemis was at a council meeting right after Percy locked himself in his room. She left Thalia(who had survived the attack) in charge.

~°~ Council Meeting ~°~

Artemis appeared in her throne when the council meeting was called. All the gods came in until everyone was there. They argued with one another while Artemis just sat in her throne silently.

"Oh, shut it!" She shouted. Everyone quieted down.

"What's wrong, little sis?"

Artemis turned a withering glare onto Apollo, who immediately regretted saying it.

"What is wrong is that you all call a council meeting that's supposedly very important and then spend five minutes bickering like children! I have better things to do than listen to grown gods and goddesses argue like kids!

"And I am not your little sis. I was born first," Artemis finished, still glaring at her younger twin brother.

"You do?" Hermes didn't mean to ask it. The words kind of just. . . slipped out.

Artemis looked to him.

"Well, for one thing, half of my huntresses just died in a battle against one of Tartarus's armies. Then, as if that's not bad enough, Nico died and Percy has locked himself in his tent and isn't coming out. So if you want to have an argument over something as petty as the ones you were having, then save it for later and don't waste my freaking time!"

Everyone went silent.

Some of the gods sent worried looks to Poseidon or Hades. Everyone avoided looking at the seething goddess, except for Hestia, who went and calmed her down.

Artemis smiled slightly to her Aunt. The goddess of the hearth went back to it and sat by the fire.

"Hurry up," Artemis snapped. "Let's get on with this dam meeting."

"Well," Apollo said, "a prophecy has been issued. It is one of the few prophecies that are issued after it starts. Two of the events have already occurred."

Artemis's eyes widened slightly. "What is it?"

Apollo recited it.

He shall return, the one that lost it all,

A close friend of his will fall,

None can withstand his rage.

He shall free the one from the cage,

A battle will take place and they must win,

Or he will fall to the darkness within.

"Actually, I think three have taken place," Artemis informed them. "Percy predictably got mad when Nico was killed and wasn't able to control his true form. All the monsters and evil demigods were killed."

Athena nodded. "That makes sense. But what cage? Will the battle be a battle to free this person, or immortal, or whatever it is from this cage? What darkness within? We already know that the hero is Percy, and the friend that has fallen is Nico. We also know what you just told us."

Artemis thought for a second. "Prophecies always have double meanings. There is no way to escape a prophecy. Things will happen when they happen, we just need to wait and see."

A/N This is the last chapter in this story. I hope you enjoyed it!!

Book two will be called "None Can Withstand His Rage, And He Will Free The One From The Cage."

Book two will coming out soon(I hope)!


He Shall Return, The One That Lost It All, A Close Friend Of His Will FallWhere stories live. Discover now