Chapter 2

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I got to my bed and laid there. My head turned to my clock. 11:46 PM. The pain had gone down with a couple of Advil, but not enough to sleep. I rolled over and picked up my phone. I texted Mason.

O: Hey...

M: about time you texted I heard you were going home but not this late

O: Please use punctuation.

M: haha hell no that's your thing

O: I'm not ready for school...

M: we gotta be real here is anyone

O: True... I'll talk to you tomorrow. Get some rest.

M: I should be saying that to you

M: night

I sighed and did as he asked.

The bell rang the next day to signal class in ten minutes. I just finished setting up my locker and I put the books I needed into my bag. I started heading to my class.

"Hold on there." Jamie Kirk said, directing me off my path. His light green eyes almost missing from his face, as his black hair covered them at the moment. It was as if this was his disguise.

"Jamie stop it."

"Why...? Aww you gonna cry? Gonna fake another hospital visit?"

"I didn't fake it. It's not my fault that-"

"What? Not your fault you're a cr-" he was cut off.

"There you are." Mason walked over to us with his best friend, Veela, and her friend, Marina.

"This talk isn't over." Jamie pushed me, but Veela stopped me from falling headfirst down the stairs. The bell rang for class.

"Alright, and now we're late." Mason sighed.

"I'm in the same class as Oli." Veela said, pulling her long white hair into a high ponytail. "Let's go, then." And off we went.

School went as normal, until the end of the day. I sat at the front of the school waiting for my mom. Veela, Mason and Marina had left a while ago and Jamie decided to stop and say hi. Again.

"Look here. I almost got in trouble because of you." He stomped over.

"I did get in trouble because of you." I said back.

"You think you can flip that silky brown hair and bat those pretty blue eyes and I'll just leave?"

"No, that's not what I was thinking." My hair also wasn't silky at all. It was a mess. Yes I haven't cut it for two years, so it was pretty long, but it was a mess.

"Just because my mum works for yours doesn't mean I have to take orders from you." He tried to defend himself. He shifted his weight into his other foot and played with his hands.

"Did I say something?"

"You know what you did to me."

"It's not my fault Kayla likes me and not you."

"You don't even talk to her...! Just let me be friends with her..!

"Why do you think I never talk with her!? I don't want to!" I grit my teeth. Anger was bubbling inside me. The windows at the front if the school shattered. The world stopped.

"What the hell was that."

"Dude what..."

"I got mad and that happened...?"

"So your also some sort of wizard."

"What? No!" Thankfully, my mum pulled up in front of the school.

"Hey darling. Oh, hello Jamie. How's your mother doing?"

"Er... Fine I guess." My mum got out of the car and helped me in. When we drove away, conversation sparked.

"Did you get bullied today?" She asked. I didn't answer. "Was it by Jamie?" Silence. "Well if it was... Jamie is a good kid and-"

"No, mum he's not a good kid."

"Sweety, it's your first day back."

"And it happened last year too. It's also gonna happen again." I said. I wasn't in tears. Not yet anyways. Her blue eyes glanced over at me from time to time.

"Have you... made any new friends?" She asked after a couple minutes of silence.

"Why do I need new friends? I have Mason. I have Veela and Marina."

"You have to expand your-" I cut her off.

"Comfort zone? If you were about to say expand my comfort zone, No. I'm not going to. and I sure as hell aren't going to expand it with HIM!" I swallowed, looking at her. I stopped.

"You're being ridiculous Oliver." My mother said.

"We don't get along..."

"Alright." She sighed. We drove the rest of the way home.

When I got out of the car, I went to my room, closed my door and immediately put my speaker on. I blasted some Sadness:( at the Nightclub and played some games. It was the only thing that comforted me now. That and also talking to Mason. My phone started to ring.

"Speak of the devil." I whispered under my breath.

"What's up loser?" I answered and turned down my music.

"Okay, 1, I know your playing games, cause I got the notification. You have me on speaker right now. Don't deny it."

"Whoops." I paused my game and turned my chair towards the phone. "Game is paused and you have my full attention."

"And 2." He paused dramatically. "Have you heard anything from Kayla yet?"

"I'm not into her."

"Liar, everyone is into her."

"You and Jamie Kirk aren't exactly everyone."

"Point proven." He said as he started making weird dying noises. Haha. Defeated.

"Was that all you called for?"

"Nope. We need to work on our project."

"Right. I'm gonna get it set up. Hold on. I'm getting another call." I closed the call with Mason and picked up the unknown number.

"Hello." The caller said.

"Hi?" I answered

"I will get you tomorrow. And I'll make you pay for what you did. Someone was watching us. It doesn't make me look good. So I'm gonna kill you." I hung up after that. It wasn't the first time... I leaned back in my chair. Mason called again. I declined and put my phone on do not disturb. I went and started charging my phone. I then went to my speaker and continued to play music.

The day after Saturday, Mason, Veela and Marina wanted me to go out to do something. I didn't want to. Thoughts about Jamie rushed through my head. More importantly, thoughts about what happened yesterday. It made my head hurt. I looked over at my piggy bank and focused hard.

"Come on.... smash...." and on that word, it did. Money spilled out over the intact bottom. The rest of it was 6 large pieces covered in coins. I went over to the remains with an open mouth. Mason overrode the do not disturb as his familiar ring tone sang through my room. I picked up the phone.

"Oliver...? Oliver...! Come to the park quick...! It's Marina."

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