Chapter 7

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My mum went to work before I woke up, and I woke up early. I made breakfast for Jamie, who came down when it was done. We started talking and he seemed nervous. I pushed that aside and continued. There was a knock at the door and he jumped. I wheeled over and opened it.

"Jenny." I smiled.

"Hey, mudblood." She leaned over and hugged me.

"Who's this?" I asked, pointing to a boy swaying behind her. She stood up and looked at him.

"Oliver, this is David, my brother." She said. He waved and hid behind his sister.

"You must be Jamie!" She walked past me to the teen, who was leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. David looked at all of us. I brought him inside and closed the door. We went into the kitchen where we talked. Well, by we, I mean myself and Jenny. David and Jamie sat in between the two of us. They snuck glances at each other when we mentioned them or each other.

I told Jenny what had been going on with Mason and Jamie, with Veela and Marina. We heard the doorbell ring. I backed up and went to the door, opening it. Marina and Veela were there. Veelas hair in a perfect braid. Marinas black hair was tangled. It was messy, like she just ran. The two looked like opposites.

"We gotta go." Marina said.


"Look, Masons coming after us. Pack up." Veela crossed her arms.

"V?" Jenny came out of the kitchen.

"Of coarse your here. When everything starts to turn to sh-"

"Jenny, take your brother and go home." Marina said.

"I've heard about Mason and everyone. I want to help." She confirmed.

"You want to help now?" Veela stepped inside and I was forced to move backwards.

"V. Please." Jenny stood up straight. I admired them. They had the same hair colour. Veelas hair was long and flowing and Jenny's was short and curly. They're eyes were the same colour of green. Veela was a little bit shorter than Jenny, but they were both beautiful.

"You didn't want to help when mum died."

"Veela!" Marina stepped in and took her arm. It was then that we noticed Jamie and David in the Kitchen doorway.

"I-" Veela stepped backwards.

"It's fine. I'll send an owl." Jenny walked past Veela, shoving her aside. Jamie and David exchanged a concerned look. David chased after his sister and Jamie walked to be beside me. I wanted to follow Jenny, but instead I sat there frozen.

"Veela." Jamie said.

"I'll meet you all outside the lab, be there in 30 minutes. We're taking down Mason tonight." Veela walked out of the open door. Marina sighed.

"I'll go and make sure she doesn't get herself killed." She hugged Jamie and myself, then walked out of the door. She shut it behind her and Jamie stood in front of me.

"I should change."

"You don't have to fight this battle if you aren't ready." I warned. He shrugged.

"I'll never be ready. Are we actually going to kill him?"


"Are you sure?" He seemed to relax a bit. I paused.

"No." I went to my room. I got dressed and looked in the mirror. I look pathetic, me sitting down in a wheelchair with my messy black hair and brown eyes. My biking gloves on my hands and a stud on my left ear. I left my room to see Jamie standing by the door.

"Ready?" He asked. I shook my head and he opened the door, we walked out.

The team was at the entrance of the lab, all ready for a battle. I guess that's making them seem better than they are. They were in hoodies and leggings or jeans. They all turned towards Jamie and I when we arrived.

"Good Afternoon, as you might have guessed, we're attacking Mason tonight." Jamie said when we got into earshot.

"We attack in teams, which means we enter in teams. One team will go in, then we wait a minute, and another one will. Please stand in your teams once you have them." Jamie looked around. "Killian and Rose, you two go in now. Freddy and I will go in after. Mina and Jacob, teleport in after 30 seconds. Veela and Marina, you two go in, but Marina... stay out of the fight. Oliver, you're last." Killian and Rose started running into the pipe, Fred sat in the ground, playing with his hands and looking up slightly, counting. Veela was leaning on the inside of the pipe, looking down. Marina walked up to me.

"How are you holding up?" I asked her.

"As good as to be expected. I told everyone not to kill him, but I just hope they listen."

"Can I ask what that was between Veela and Jenny...?"

"They're siblings, and Jenny was the only witch in the family. Veela was bitter and after their mum died of unknown causes, the dad stepped in. Veela ran away, David stayed. Jenny barely comes home." Marina said. Freddy and Jamie headed out.

"Unknown causes?" I asked. She shrugged. Mina and Jacob headed out.

"I have to go wait with Marina. Be careful in there." She sighed.

"You too." I said. She turned to leave but then looked back and quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek. "For good luck." She said I blushed a bit and she walked away. They headed out a couple seconds later. I waited for a minute and started going. I went down the dark pipe and continuously looked behind me. The more I walked the quieter it got. It got to the point where it was absolutely silent. There was no whirring machines or battle noises. Nothing moving. Nothing leaving. Nothing breathing.

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