Chapter 6

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"Mina Missy. She can teleport. Rose Parry. She has super strength. Jacob Adams, Shapeshifter. Killian Jones with flight, and Freddy Martiin. The coolest of them all, weather manipulation." Jamie said.

"We have Veela who manipulates time and you, Jamie, that can be invisible." I said.

"And lastly, Oliver... You have telekinesis." Veela smiled.

The next couple weeks were normal. Mason still wasn't talking to me and Marina was taken by Mason every time I saw her. Veela wasn't talking to me either. One day, I was lying on my bed. I got a text. It was Marina. I quickly picked up my phone.

M: Help its him

I put down my phone and got into my chair. I called Jamie.

"Hey, it's Jamie. I'm most likely getting doped up right now or-"

"I know you're there. Your voice mail doesn't sound like that."

"What do you want, Oliver?"

"It's Marina. Mason probably still wont talk to me. I need you to meet me at the park. Bring Rose if you can. Please..."

"No." he hung up. I tossed my phone on my bed and left the house. I went to the park, on my own. This was gonna be a nightmare. I went to the place where I went to save Marina. I entered. Now would be a great time to control my powers.

I saw him.

He was right there, preforming his freakish experiments on some sort of animal.

"H-hey!" I yelled at him. He looked up. "Get away from it!"

"No." It spoke. My breath hitched. The voice was masked.

"Y-you..." He started walking towards me.

"Do you want me to experiment on you instead?" He laughed. I held out my hand and his mask blasted off.

"Mason..." I sat there, stunned.

"Yeah..." he chuckled. "You were on my tail for days."

"Why would you-"

"Its good money. It's pretty awesome actually. I brought in Veela but then Marina had to bring it up. It was so sad. I would be doing more than one experiment on her." He laughed. It was an evil laugh, but I guess it seemed that way to me. Someone appeared behind Mason and shoved him. He turned around and someone ran from behind me to punch him. She jumped and got him straight in the cheek. He fell to the ground and slid a little bit. He struggled but for some reason couldn't get up. Jamie appeared on top of him. Time slowed and someone flew in with a cat in his arms. He dropped the cat and the cat turned into a person. Veela ran in and put time back to normal.

"Go! Quickly!" Jamie said, holding him off. The boy who could fly flew down to me.

"Hey, go and get the girl." I ran to a glass case that had Marina. I opened the case and picked her up but almost dropped her. The girl who punched him came up beside me and took her. She held her close with one arm. Fly-Boy took her hand and started flying down the tunnel with her. We followed.

"Jamie!" I turned back. Jamie turned invisible and got off him, running to me. Jamie took the handles of my chair and started running. We were all out and we went to Veelas garage.

"What the hell was that!?" I ran to Veela and she sighed.

"Jamie called me saying something was wrong, so he got in contact with everyone here." Veela said. I looked around.

"That's Mina and Rose, strength and teleportation. They're who almost knocked him out. That's Killian and Jacob, shapeshifter and our flight guy. They came in all cool to remind you of Marina. Freddy's coming, I think." Jamie said.

"Thank you guys." I said, smiling at Marina. She slowly woke up. "Hey." I smiled.

"It was Mason, he-"

"I know." I looked at her oddly.


"I was the first experiment. He wanted to kill you... He baited me and-"

"It's okay." I took her hand. She then noticed everyone in the room.

"Who are they?"

"Masons past experiments." I responded. She paled.

"So, she's the twat?" Someone said from the shadow.

"That's not nice, Killian." Rose said.

"I'm gonna go home." I stood up.

"No-" Veela tried to stop me.

"I'll see you guys later." I went out.

Once I got home, I went to my room, locked the door and my eye caught an owl at my window. It held a note.

I'm in town. Come visit. I'm looking forward to seeing you! <3

My heart leaped, but the owl went away and was replaced by a face.

"Oliver, please don't say anything and just listen to me..."

"What are you doing here...?"

"Please listen to me..." he begged, he looked up with faint tears.

"Jamie..." I backed up.

"I'm sorry..."

"Come in."

"W-what..?" Jamie swallowed. I rolled back from the window. He stepped inside. "Can you shut the window?" He asked. I did as he said. "Can I spend the night?"


"I'll explain if tom-"

"No, right now."

"Please Oliv-"

"No, Jamie."

"I'm gay and my parents are abusive. Okay?" He stood up. I froze.


"My mum invited you and your mum to dinner because she thought you were catching on." He said.


"I'm a white kid that's gay and has cancer." He looked at his hands. "So I tried to have good grades and be the greatest guy in school, but it wasn't enough for them." He said.

"You can stay here. My mum will make breakfast." I said, sighing. "A-and- and we assemble the team to take down Mason tomorrow." I went to him and smiled. "I'm telling my mum for tonight. The guest bedroom is upstairs beside the washroom, so come with me." I wheeled out of my room and to my mum. Jamie and I explained to her what was happening and she brought him to the guest bedroom. I went to sleep that night with a thought in my mind and my heart in my throat.

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