1-1 Uncertainty - Despondency

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Equivocation upon all of predicaments,  tis all of certainty, may be a wound that shall never be healed

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Equivocation upon all of predicaments,  tis all of certainty, may be a wound that shall never be healed. Isolated from all faith, believes never to unveil, one which led to misinterpretation, misinterpretation concludes despair, despair of an un-alternating deceit. Prophecy of conflict, one distinguished to immense emotion, an emotion that compels all of certitude. Should it resonate from lust, gluttony, agitation repudiating serenity, it may be indeed fallacious, erroneous in all perspectives. The supposed emotion consumes and dissembles us. The one emotion that depicts sins, or rather, one that is capable of. An emotion that expresses significant, hence an abominable yet pretentious emotion. Imbroglio, conceit.


An unconditional emotion, why does such seek an immense force to segregate all of us, deceive us, manipulate us, so that we be despised from all of certainty. Meretricious, emotions of all certainty can alter us, dissembling us, into discriminating, into false thoughts, lust, glut , jeopardize all of the unalternating reality, the fact that emotions, which a mere word that depicts the exquisite-ness upon all of beings, emotion is the one that re-unites us, and let us be rendezvous in a world upon fallacy of equivocation. It is the remarkable one, the one that holds capability, to love, to hate, to contemplate, to emminish. The malevolence in one, whether it be calamiteous due to certainty or perhaps just pure abomination are generated due to human enmity. The repugnance is hence formed due to the congenital of beings, forming emotion.

Thanks world.

Emotion, instictive state of mind, is that so? to portray the fact that calamities, dissensions are caused by instinct? Is that a trait that we possess to uphold instinct, is that why occurence of tragedies, well, occur?

Has that crude mentality of instinct being emotion conceal us? To love, to hate, is to acquire instinct? Is that be potentiality? Shall that alter anathema, that instinct is therefore emotion? Something that happens merely due to malignity, which would be emotion? Is that to censure and condemn the true reasoning of emotion? That it is magnificient, that it is the reason for the world being impeccable, exquisite, and what it is. Without emotion of desultory, life would be meaningless, lives would be left at cataclysmic states. As the supposed instinct does not concur to do so, once again, is instinct really emotion? or rather a part of it.

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