3-2 Meraki-Sulit

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For we witness unilateral conflict, conflict through the social stance that they deem as implacable, abhorrent. These uttered deceits are chichanery, politically punishable, and on a social level, these conducts are reprehensible and seek to be condemned. We foresee these people, censure them because they are bilious, dilatory towards the advancing world. Have we not seen? Have we not said? That we would coalesce as one, that upon all communal prejudices, justice shall avail, that on a social level may seem to appeal all. These illustrations are nothing but fecund and platitudinous, they do not evoke any sort of earthly emotions, for as we foresee these people whom on a social level are anathematize, we perceive a judgement, an outlook on that person. We prompt the fact that these people do not deserve to be in the society, we hope that we would not be like that one day, be disgusted by their sorry predicament, perhaps empathy may be seen as well.  I shall intervene, who exactly is in the society? Of those ignorant, meretricious, hubristic people that supposedly are epitomized? They are to be respected, to be itemized, because they acquire fame through exterior conducts? That is nothing but demonstrating our human will, for we are flawed and nothing but insolent individuals. It is indeed unequivocal for people to deem that certain people who acquired fame had possessed of success, but have we disregarded those not given an opportunity, those whom are perceived with exorbitant talents, whom all we recognize as nothing but people who would strive and complete the path to succeeding, for this code of fidelity is identified as a communal prejudice, it is nothing but bias for our human ability controls, these jejune dissensions are what makes us flawed, our propensity, our conduct that contribute to the society, these are nothing but for human, not to serve god. What we call ourselves, ingenuity, innovation, nothing but generic thingamajig, these are simply inveterate imbroglio, we should remark them as foolish, for they befuddle us, deceive, dissemble us. Yet we do not? For we are exorbitant in excuses, dilatory for our own mere benefits, have we not contravene ourselves for so? We seek to rendezvous, coalesce, yet we disregard those whom enduring deplorable certainties, this demands a fix, for we have witnessed already, these abhorrent things end up to be recalcitrant. So be sagacious, salubrious and serve the munificent God.  Acknowledge him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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