2-2 Spurious - de trop

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Tis all of a certainty, of those you disregard, of those you condemn, those of censured, will make appearance in your very crude eyes, thy be upon all of predicaments. Spurious, to be duplicitous, thy be of certainty, a fallacious being, one hailed to be of discriminant, of thereby dissembled due to mere belligony, belligony of balliwicki, of thy sheer desultory. Let thee be thy commandment, of all certainty, of ecclesiastical jurisdiction to rule, to annex all of certainty, thee be perhaps a infantry of goods, one that possesses the alternating ability, to rule, merely due to the fact that you acquire thy supernaturals, thy dignity, from the one and only. Perhaps it may be distinguished, may be a significant one, thy be a holy figure, thee be an alternating individual whom you bestow due to their great capability, their utterly exquisite, ones wherewithal upon finnesse thy be. Deception, upon prestigitation, of proficiency thereby legerdemain, of the inevitable sortilege. Thy be distinguished, thy be a platitudinous of all of certainty, one judicious, one to uphold such recherche, one be simply ecstatic, esoteric, conceit. One to divulge, unbosom as one dissension, one pretensions of anathema, antithesis. Exactly, in your very ignorant upon condemnation eyes, one blessed by him, one blessed and bestowed by all of certainty, yet you disregard, yet you condemn, yet you censure, yet you be meretricious, yet you be mendacious, of all certainty be. Tis the augury, let thy follow him, let you segregate the legislatory of one possesses, one that contravenes what is true and what is not, let not human distincts and desires lead one, we are all dissembled, perhaps most certainly flawed, and are incapable of ruling, of what monarchy thereby, all of certainty divulge, will lead an alternating predicament in abomination, so let thou awaken, be tis the olde. Be everlasting thy of gein your orientary ambassador grant thy will.

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