1-6 Contumelious -Insolent

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A trait of we possessed due to the presence of earthly desires, of those which make us pleasant, of those that make us such crude, condescending beings, the one that makes us flawed, the dissemble-ment itself, our emotions, our traits of alternating deceit. Yes, indeed it is equanimous towards all of certainty, the fact all of perpetuity, the ones that brought us to success, only are prevalent, endemic, due to of one certainty, as you can probably interpret, the entire, or rather, unexpurgated perpetuity is of not very vast, equivoque, not quite, censure. Our world is in fact obscure, of infinitesimal, the fact that all that begins, will seek an end, whether it be of erroneous or rather luminous, in a certain matter. The world orientates in a certainty, that all initiates, will be of end, that it be reiterated of a certainty, yes indeed, a monotonous yet poignant world, the fact that all, life, relies and depends on itself, yes, as portrayed, the pendulous of us, the repugnant, the calumnious, all of eternity shall have it prevalent as one, whether it be hypothetical or practical, the fact that the emotions that we of possessed, acquired from such a munificent man, I presume is indeed be one of the most remarkable man ever be, histrionic, really, that he be instigating such great for us, almost as if it were a prestigitation, yes one against us. The implementation of such intrasigence is supposedly something of positive? as many of us presume, I'd rather not, the fact that it has brought such calamitous, such anathema that never be effable, never be depicted of words considering how "tenacious" we totally are. Why have this be present, why ought it make appearance, upon the vast ambigiousness, why does it take a stance, at of most certainly, during times of aversion, during intervals where predicaments of abominations do present itself? Why does one have a want to fight, to combat against oneself? Aren't we supposed one? Aren't we united due to the entire reason of being of one kind? Thereby, why there be conflict, there be the recalcitrant of us? Yes, the tenacious of us, the utter counterfeit, the aureate of us, the grandiose, the highfaluting of one, is merely due to pride, due to narcissism, due to the immense pride, immense emotions acquired by one, thanks to of the mighty one, the one that formed the collision itself, all the anathema, all the imbroglio upon dissessions are formed due to this nuisance, pruckish, cantankerous of us, beings, due to one mere earthy certainty, the one that dissembles us all, to fool, to befuddle, is of cause by one, the trenchant nefarious malignant that we of acquired, it be of antithesis, that be suistained in us, beings, the alternating certainty, that will to prevail, even one gets deceive, further into the tormenting pariah. Shall not let of this estranged thingamajig be of interference towards us, let it dissipate, let it vanish, so we be no longer contained, amour-propre

"Sure and Stedfast" ~Hebrews 6:19

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