2-5 Parsimonious-Puckish

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Thy be of certainty, of be insouciance. Thereby all of perpetuity prevails as one, one antipathy, one of abomination, one of antithesis. That thereby astound-ment is to astound. Intriguing, fallacy of equivocation. Now why propose a certainty thereby insolent, the depiction of unilateral deceit, platitudinous upon hegemony of bailiwick, a certainty contumelious due to de trop, mordant little vituperative petulant grandiloquent. It is indeed unwanted, yet so pervasive. Why?
To possess of faith, of alternating imbroglio, to be less meretricious proves quiescent, that thereby one is commiting in effort to act one risible, less rebarbative in all certainty. Quite so. So what exactly is of this depiction, that thy be unwanted, of sagacious beings thy be not? Not quite, misapprehension upon recalcitrant, it is amusing indeed. One acts, one motives interprets their entirety, that thereby they are indeed of grandiose, pretensions of anathema, is this of earthly desires, that glut, that greed, has dissembled us into utterly discriminating those of infinitesimal, that we disregard of what we possess, that they distinguish one? Is that of what ineffable things human are capable of? To be dissembled, just merely for establishing spasmodic relations between of notability? That is of what makes us unique, that taciturn, verboten beings makes us intrasigent? It is beyond ludicrous, how one acts as if this was of not reprehensible. Implaccable uxorious predicament, beyond voracious. Forsaken endemic, how are we perhaps capable of such certainty, this belligony needs to of be-ridden, it should be interdicted indeed. Rhadamanthine we must be, forbid these crude desultory. Lets have a world with of arcadian men, where defamatory seem to not divulge and be prevalent. Salubrious beings we shall be, be clean, judicious, shed the mendacious we shall. Its already occuring, shall we anticipate in fear or shall we fix it? Its up to those who are of anti-apathy and do not censure all of dissensions, we do possess of individuals indeed, redolent certainties, I am most certainly waiting. Efficacious one must be, solve this issue before it leads a cataclysmic end. Deceit. Unravel it by coalescing as one.

"Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come and thy will be done. On earth as it is on heaven, give us this day our daily bread. Forgive our debts as we have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but away from evil. Amen"

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