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"Cause it's love. You don't need a reason to believe in it. It's just love."

"Wow, some really eloquent words there Shakespeare."

"OK, let me try again. You know words are hard for me."

"Seeing how you are speaking right now, no I don't."

"You are so mean somedays."

"I try."

"Well OK. See. Love is the thing that makes you feel like you got this. You know that feeling when you have the ball and you are doubting whether you'll make the goal or not. Well love makes you feel like you will. But more importantly, it makes you feel like even if you don't, even if you lose, it'll be ok, because that person will still cheer you on."

"I'm sure it must feel amazing, only if I knew what you meant."

"Good point. How about this. You get a new book. This book may have a happy ending or a sad one. But you know it will be alright because the writing is that good. That is love."

"That was..that was a really good analogy. But then again you haven't ever been in love, so."

"OK true enough, but you haven't been in love either and you don't believe in it."


"Your move darling."


1st move down.

Picture of the cool dog because he is ♡

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