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"I still have some doubts about your whole belief in love."

"OK, do I need to give one more speech or something?"

"I wouldn't mind one."

*Laughing* " Ok I'll try to be like the authors you like."

"Please no."

"Shush, so yeah. Love. Well love is something that makes you think you are perfect even if you are not. It makes you love yourself for yourself because you can see someone loving you just as you are and finally you feel that you can too."

"Your mother and father thought so. So did your sister. And I am sure every girl your best friend is with does. Didn't last for them did it?"

"I know you don't like Jake, but he is a good friend OK. And yes maybe it didn't work out for them but I rather like to think it was because of the person they were with and not because of love. That maybe what they had was love akin but not love. Because in love you feel every emotion, but you don't feel regret. You never regret loving that person even if the love ends. And if you do then maybe it was never love."

"But as I said, you fall for people in the end only though don't you. What if you fall for the wrong one too. What if you fell for the wrong one?"

"I don't think I did. You are an amazing human being you know. But seeing how you were trying to be hypothetical, I would say shit happens. So I fell for the wrong one. It's okay. I am going to cry. I am going to be hurt. I am maybe even going to hate her as well for sometime. But then I will move on. And I will fall in love again. Cause as far as I can see the moments of love would be good."

"Well, that is quiet a long speech."

"I am not asking you to start believing in love. All I am asking for you to do is put your opinion of it aside and give it a chance. If it's all you think it is you can close your heart. But I can promise you, in the end it will be worth it baby. Just give it chance."

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