Christmas Love.

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Hello everyone. I am back (not really). So you know how there are like funny posts everywhere around Christmas (or all the time)? Well what I love to do is take screenshots of it and send it to my best friend. And then we have a back and forth of funny pictures. I also absolutely believe these two people in my story would have done the same, so I recreated it. But Wattpad doesn't allow me to arrange pictures in a way to indicate the back and forth, so I did it in text. Feel the feels alright, don't criticize. By the time you read this it would be Christmas, about to be Christmas, or Christmas might even be coming to an end (my time zone knowledge is shit). Hopefully this adds more happiness to your joyous day.

Ok that was a lot of talking.

Remember this Christmas, do something Christmasy.
(If that didn't make it obvious, I don't celebrate Christmas.)

And the key is the same. Italics are her messages and bold are his.

And if the spacing is weird, blame Wattpad.

Last Christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day I died because I cannot live without a heart. What was I thinking!
Read 11.30 PM

On second week of Christmas my teacher gave me 5 all nighters, 4 hours of crying, 3 mental breakdowns, 2 thoughts of dropout, and an anxiety attack.
Read 11:35 PM

Gonna go lay under the Christmas tree until my family wakes up to remind them that I am a gift.
Read 11:39 PM

I can already smell the mistletoe I am not going to be kissed under.
Read 11:42 PM

To people who put antlers and a nose on their cars for Christmas: You can't trick me. I know that's a car you fool.
Read 11:46 PM

I see how it is. Rihanna can wear a completely transparent dress in public, and everyone loves it, but when I do it I am wasting saran wrap and ruining Christmas.
Read 11:49 PM

Dear Santa, how did you convince your Mom to let you grow a beard that long?
Read 11:52 PM

When you're broke and she asks where her gift is: I am the gift.
Read 11:54 PM

Giving gift as a poor college student: I couldn't afford a present this year, so I got you this box.
Read 11:56 PM

All I want for Christmas is motivation and maybe some socks.
Read 11:59 PM

Merry Christmas, you filthy animal.
Read 12:00 AM

And a happy new year.
Read 12:00 AM

♡☆♡ is calling

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