Merry Wedding Christmas.

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Hello loves!

Merry Christmas! As always I present to you another addition to our little love story!

Have a great holiday season! And remember to do something Christmasy!


"Good morning everyone and welcome to this celebration of love. We are gathered here today to join in holy matrimony, two people I have known for a long time; two people who I never thought would go together so well, and yet, now I can't see them with anyone else but. Marriage is a foundation based on love and built with trust and confidence. These two have shown me that's all you really need. So without further ado I give them the stage to say there vows."

"That was quite a speech mate. We thought we might me doing a mistake making this fucker our officiant but I guess not."

"Will you too stop making googly eyes at each other?"

"Sorry sorry. You know I am a little nervous. But I guess standing here I cannot really see a reason why. I am getting to marry my best friend."

"Five years ago I met a girl who read a lot of romance books and yet didn't believe in love. A girl who confused the hell out of me but who intrigued me as well. I remember seeing her eyes for the very first time and how it felt like magic. Our kind of magic. I knew then that I would annoy her for the rest of my life."

"I also knew I would convince her of love one day. I hope I succeeded at that or else this would be a problem."

"But what I didn't know then was that she would change my life too. Making her believe in love made me realise that love wasn't just that thing you read in books or saw in movies. It was about accepting the other person. About late night coffees and watching horrible movies together, or well trying to watch them but failing because you start making out. About her making you listen to awful songs and yet enjoying them-"

"Those songs are amazing!"

"Awful awful songs but songs that you'll dance to all night with her. About fighting for hours and then cuddling at night, forgetting about everything."

"You have made me realise what true love feels like. The last five years of my life have been one filled with magic. I can't wait to see what the rest of our lives hold for us. All I know is, whatever it might be, it'll be just as great. I love you."

"I can't believe you came up with all that! I remember five years ago the boy who struggled with words trying to convince me love was real. I have come to realize it isn't."

"Uh, babe!"

"Will you ever just let me speak."

"Sorry sorry"

"So as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by my husband to be, that love wasn't real. Atleast the love I read about. So I won that. But the bigger thing I won was you. I learned love wasn't real, because it doesn't have a meaning or a form. Love is the other person. Love is choosing to suffer with someone. It's wanting to be with them even when times get tough, when it seems easier to just walk away."

"You made me realise that I might be right that love was suffering, but that I was wrong that it's not worth suffering through."

"I know times to come can get difficult but I know I'll always have you. Someone who'll annoy me for the rest of my life. Someone who'll hold me when things get tough. Someone who'll love me no matter what. Someone who I'll love forever."

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

"You are stuck with me now forever love."

"That doesn't sound like a bad deal at all."

"And hey, maybe we'll end up making our best selling romance novel after all."

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