Ho Ho Ho Love.

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year you guys. I bring to you another Christmas special because I want to. So let's get started.

And also this Christmas do something Christmasy.


12 minutes to Christmas.

"It's twelve minutes to Christmas."

"I know."

"I love how you can be sarcastic in any situation."

"I try."

11 minutes to Christmas.

"I also love how you are so confident and always keep your head held high."

"Damn right I do."

10 minutes to Christmas.

"But I also love how you aren't afraid to show your emotions."


9 minutes to Christmas.

"I love how when you smile your eyes almost close. Its how I know that you're really smiling."

8 minutes to Christmas.

"I love how your cheeks still go red everytime I compliment you."

7 minutes to Christmas.

"I love how your nose crinkles everytime I point out your redding cheeks."

6 minutes to Christmas.

"I love how you get lines between your eyebrows whenever you try to figure out what I am doing."

"What are you doing?"

5 minutes to Christmas.

"I love how you get annoyed when I don't answer your questions."


4 minutes to

"I love how you try to act cute to get me to spill my secrets."

3 minutes

"I love how you hit me with anything you can find when I don't still reply to your questions. Please note the sarcasm."

2 minutes.

"I love how I can still surprise you even after four years."

1 minute

"But most importantly I love how I can imagine the rest of my life with you."

0 minute

"Will you marry me?

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