One: Rainy Day

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It had been a regular day at Central City University. Maybe a bit gloomier. The clouds hid the sun from our eyes, and small rain drops trickled against the top of my umbrella.
    The bell had just rang, and I was already late for the public bus. As I sped-walked across the school property, so close to finally getting on the bus, I was abruptly pushed to the ground. umbrella snatched from my hand. As I looked up to see who had bumped me, it had been the one person I hoped it wasn't. Trish. The girl who goes out of her way to make my life miserable every day. As my eyes met her's, she bent the umbrella using her knee and tossed it to the side.
Even in university, there were bullies. Just when you'd think everyone here was mature, they're just as bad as regular high-schoolers.
"Where do you think you're going?" She asked, as I got up and started to wipe off the mud from my clothes.
"Home!" I answered sharply, but she shoved me to the ground once again. This time, I landed on my face.

As I tried to get air back into my lungs, I heard a couple of snickers, laughs

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As I tried to get air back into my lungs, I heard a couple of snickers, laughs. People had come to watch. This is what she wanted. She wanted a crowd to please with my suffering. And so, she got one. Trish seemed to always get what she wanted.
"Just leave me alone!" I pleaded, slowing lifting my chest off the ground with my hands. I felt her foot on my back, and she pushed me back down.
The bus driver, who obviously had seen was going on, didn't bother to say a word. He was probably scared of Trish too. I would be.
The doors of the bus closed and it drove off. I watched, and saw people from in the large vehicle watching. Some even taping.
I was now getting frustrated.
"what do you have in this backpack of yours?" She asked, snatching the bag from my back, almost ripping the straps.
I didn't say anything. I knew that if I did, I would get a shoe to the side. And I didn't want that. So, I let her go through my things, making fun of everything I had in there. Until she stopped at a notebook with a lightning bolt symbol drawn on the front in marker. She snorted hysterically.
"Aww! Does someone have a crush on the flash?" She laughed, and the circle around us bursted out laughing as she began to read my story about meeting the flash, and how he saved my life. Finally, she got to the part about my "powers", and her eyebrows sunk.
"You actually think you're like the Flash?" She laughed, tossing the book at me on the ground, the pages wet from the rain.
I didn't answer.
"Then why don't you show us these abilities?" Trish began to tease. She teased, and teased and teased, calling me names she had never called me before, shoving me and kicking me harder than she usually did.
So I did. I gave her what she wanted.
After she gave me one last kick to the side, probably the most painful one, my eyes lit up. People began to notice. I began to lift myself to my feet slowly, my fists clenching and my heart beating. I slowly turned around to face her, and as I did, people began to step back. My glowing eyes, which were now a bright purple, met her basic Green one's. I was worried someone would get hurt, but part of me wanted them to get hurt. I wanted them to feel the pain I did. I wanted revenge.
That was when I made up my mind. I will show them my deadliest Magic Trick.
Just as Trish took a step back, my fists began to unravel, and I knew that there was no turning back. They would all perish.
I looked down at all of them, before gazing up at the cloudy sky. Rain pounded against my face, but suddenly, it stopped. The rain stopped falling and stayed still around us as little bubbles of water. I looked back down at the crowd, everyone amazed. And suddenly, they all fell to the ground at the same time. Around me were corpses of people I once knew. And once hated.
I looked at the lifeless bodies around me. Feeling no remorse. No regret. I almost felt...pleased.
That was the worst about being a meta human, especially one like me. It's like you had two personalities. Your normal one, and the cold hearted, remorseless one.
I wiped my soaked hair from my face, and picked up the notebook with the lightning bolt on it. Then I asked myself; would the flash have done that?
Of course not.
I failed. A real hero wouldn't have killed 15, or 20 people for bullying them. I am not a hero. I don't feel regret for ending the lives of so many people. I am psychotic.
I clenched the notebook in my hand, and threw it at the wall of the school, yelling in agony as my eyes shut tightly and my hands covered my face.
"Is this a bad time?" I hear a masculine voice say. I took my hands from my face and looked up, to see a familiar figure. A fit man, in a red suit with a lightning bolt in the middle. The Flash.
"I would give you more time to grieve, but you're going to have to come with me." He stepped towards me.
I nodded. I already knew I was in trouble for what I did. And I deserved to be punished.
He pulled out some thick handcuffs that weren't made of just metal. They obviously were some sort of anti-meta human cuffs to hold even the strongest of the strongest.
I put my wrists together, and he latched the thick cuffs around them. He then looked up at my face.
"I know you regret doing that, I can see it on your face." He said as he noticed the troubled look I had.
"No. The reason I have this look on my face is because I don't regret it. And I can't figure out why." I whispered to him, terrified.
He bit his lip nervously, before I began speaking again.
"You do know what I can do." I added. "I could kill you right here, right now."
"Yeah but I know that you won't. And if you do, you'll regret it."
"How do you know I'll regret it?" I asked curiously. "Regret is a strong word."
"Judging by that notebook, I'm guessing you have quite a crush on me." He pointed at the soaking wet notebook I had thrown, his signature lightning bolt on the cover.
He picking me up in his arms, one arm under my knees and the other under my back. "Try not to move your neck, terrible whiplash." He advised, before he began to run at an incredible speed.

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