Twelve: Break Out

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The door of the medical room opened, and Rick Flag stood at the door frame. I quickly released Barry, and we both sat up in his hospital bed.
"C'mon August, time to go. You too, Allen." He said strictly. I could see the other soldiers behind him, tasers ready for me if I try to be smart. I shook my head and looked at Barry.
"No...I can't leave. I can't leave you Barry!" I argued. He sighed and kissed my forehead.
"You have to, August." He whispered. He leaned his head over to my ear, and whispered something. "Trust me..." It sounded like, it was really soft and low.
With a nod of Rick's head, the other officers marched in a cuffed my hands together behind my back. I began to kick, and hit whoever I could. I screamed and fought the restraints. And then, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. And I passed out.

I woke up back in my concrete cell. I blinked, before remembering everything, and I quickly stood up and looked out the small barred window. I saw Barry climbing into a helicopter, and I felt a tear fall down my cheek. He was leaving forever.
I sat down, my back against the rough wall, as I sobbed into my knees.

Suddenly, I heard a large explosion from outside my door. I quickly looked up, to see my cell door completely demolished on the floor. I slowly stood, as men in black uniform walked in. They had helmets on, with dark shields covering their face that were tinted. I couldn't see anyone who was behind those masks. They began to cut the chains off my wrists. The last one who walked in, had "Joker" written in spray paint on his bullet proof vest. He removed his helmet, which lifted the shield that was covering his face. And I saw who it was.
"Joker..." I whispered.
"That's my name, but don't wear it out." He smirked, and I felt my wrists come loose from the chains that were holding me back. "I'm on a mission for someone. You know him as, the Flash?" He said, taking my arm and pulling me out of my cell.
"We made a deal that he would break me out I broke you out." He explained, speaking softly. "The helicopter he just got in is hijacked. It's our ride to freedom. You're coming, wether you like it or not." He dragged me out of a fire exit, and I saw the helicopter getting ready for take off. Joker and I walked up the ramp, and I saw Barry.
He looked up at me, and smiled. "Let's go home."

The End.

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