Three: Second Dad

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One by one, each member of the team boarded the hovercraft. I was the last one, and I took a seat all the way at the back of the craft.
Been here one day and they're all ready asking me to do their dirty work. I rolled my eyes as I thought.
"Hey redhead!" Called out Deadshot, his white mask in hand.
I look up at him.
"Ever been on a mission?" He asked. He sat a couple of seats away, Killer Croc and Captain Boomerang between us.
I shook my head in response. "No. I'm a villain, remember?"
"I know that, it's just, haven't you ever had a mission of your own? To kill someone you hate?" He continued.
I thought back to the accident at my school, but that was more of an accident than a mission. I didn't plan it.
"No. More like an accident." I answered again
"Then why are you here? Why are you considered a bad guy?" He asked. We had been shouting at each other over the noise of the craft.
"I killed over 15 kids in 5 seconds." I answered. "I'm a murderer." I answered. "Or at least, that's what they told me." And I was. Amanda told me I was. Flag told me I was. Every single guard that would hand me my daily loaf said I was. So I believed them.
Deadshot looked away, and his eyes landed on Flag who was sitting across from him. "Did you seriously convince this young girl that she was a murderer?" He said, getting angry. "She's 22, barely an adult, and you guys capture her and treat her like she's a monster?!" He was shouting louder than he was before.
"She murdered children." Rick answered steadily.
"But she is a child and you're making a child do the dirty work of the government while the rest of your army sits back and watches!" He protested.
"She isn't a child. She is 22!" Flag answered loudly.
Deadshot' eyes narrow. "If anything happens to her, I will destroy your sorry ass." He looked up at one of the cameras. "and yours too." He pointed at the camera, clearly talking to Waller. He looked back at flag. "She's innocent and doesn't deserve to be here."

I gulped as I looked down at the floor

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I gulped as I looked down at the floor. For the rest of the ride, I was silent.

When we finally reached Gotham, each one of us hopped out of the craft. We were in an abandoned town, and Jokers lab was a couple miles away. My first instinct was to talk to Deadshot.
"Why are you protecting me? You've known me for an hour and you're already acting like my best friend." I ask. He swallowed and looked down at me. I only just noticed how tall he actually was.
"You aren't a villain. And not to mention your way to young to be involved in a war like this." He says.
"First off, I'm 22. I can protect myself." I protest. "I am much more deadlier than you."
"You may be deadlier but you don't know these streets like I do. I'm from here."
"And? that doesn't give you the right to become my father!"
He didn't answer. He just stood there, taken aback.
He walked off along with the group, and I stood back for a second, taking it all in.

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