Four: Cranks

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Deadshot's POV

    We had been walking for about 45 minutes when I heard something in the distance. I placed a small device with a red lens over my eye, and looked around. The sun had been setting, and we were getting more vulnerable. The device started beeping, and it indicated something was near. I took it off and stuffed it back in my pocket.
"Flag." I said. "We got company."
His hand shot up and he made a fist, symbolizing we need to stop. Everyone stopped in their tracks, and armed themselves.

August's POV
Deadshot cocked his gun, Captain took his boomerangs out, Katana unsheathed her sword, and Killer Croc just looked angry. I slowly took my sword out, and it began to shine it's mighty glow.
"THERE!" Yelled Flag, as he pointed out a human which was running towards them. But it was making growling noises.
"What the hell is that?!" I yelled. It certainly wasn't a human.
It took 5 of Rick's bullets in the head to take it down, but he managed to kill it.
"That was not a human." said Captain Boomerang.
Rick's hand reached for the ear piece in his ear as he listened to Waller.
"They are a mutated versions of Metahumans." He informed.
"So like zombies?" I asked.
"Exactly like zombies. Cannibals. Get bit, you die an utterly painful and slow death." He continued. "Joker made a chemical which replaces their blood with something unknown, but what we do know is that it turns you into that." He says.

Captain Boomerang's POVIn the distance I heard the sound of growls, and screams

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Captain Boomerang's POV
In the distance I heard the sound of growls, and screams. And suddenly, a whole pack of them were running towards us.
Aw shit... I thought.
Flag and Deadshot began shooting along with the other soldiers who came to help. Whenever a "zombie" would make it through them, it was the rest of us who had to make sure they died.
I watched as the first one made it through, and Killer Croc ripped it's head off like it was nothing, and let it fall to the ground along with its body.
The second, Katana stabbed it's heart with her long blade, but continued to make noises until she crushed it's skull with her foot.
The third, August jabbed her fancy sword deep into the creatures abdomen, and watched as it fell limp and slid off the blade.
Finally, it was my turn to show them how an Aussie does it.
I took out my sharp boomerangs, and threw one at the creatures head, slicing it clean off before it returned to my hand. I wiped the blood off on my jacket and looked at the others before realizing they were all looking at my pink unicorn which had fell out of my pocket. I picked it up and put it back where it was.
"What?" I asked, boomerangs still in hand.

August's POV
More and more of those disgusting creatures were making their way passed Rick and his team. So we had to fight. A creature came up behind me, almost biting me until I grabbed it's arm and flipped it over, making it fall onto its back before stabbing it with my blade. I watched as it turned to ashes before attacking another. Soon, the coast was clear and there weren't any more of those...things to be seen.
"We should come up with a name for those things." Said Captain Boomerang.
"How about we call em' cranks?" Said Killer Croc.
"I like that." Agreed Deadshot, before the sound of a bullet scared us all and we all turned to see Rick holding his pistol in the air.
"I'm glad you guys are all getting along, but we got a job to do." He said, before putting his pistol back in his holder. "We got till dawn to get this over with."
I placed my sword back in its sheath, and everyone began to finally calm down. We began walking again, stopping once in a while every time Deadshot or Flag would get a mysterious signal.
"I need to go to the bathroom." Captain Boomerang cried out.
"Hold it in." Demanded Flag as he walked in front of us.
"But I can't-"
"Shut it!" Rick called out.
Captain shut his mouth, not finishing his statement.

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