Seven: Brain Wash

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    We had been walking for a while now. The hallways in this building never seemed to end. I thought we were going in circles. Until Floyd pointed out an elevator, and I knew we were finally getting closer to finding the Joker and Harley. I stepped into the elevator, and the moment I did, the doors slammed shut.
"Guys!" I yelled, banging on the elevator doors. I repeatedly hit the button which opens the doors but it didn't work.
"August! Open the door!" They yelled.
"I can't!" I shouted back, pressing the button again. I tried to pry the door open, but it didn't really work as well as planned.
Suddenly, the button for the basement began to glow, as if someone pushed it. But no one did. I then felt the elevator begin to descend, so I pulled my sword out.
"No need for that." Said a calm, but evil voice. "I am not looking for violence."
This was obviously the Joker's doing.
The elevator came to a halt, and the minute it's doors opened I felt someone's hand pull me by my arm. Before I could defend myself, they snatched my sword and hit me over the head with it's handle.

The next thing I remember is waking up, strapped to a metal table. I blinked as my eyes cleared, and I tried to remember where I was and how I got there. Then I remembered being attacked at the elevator. That mean's I was unconscious. But for who knows how long.
"Hey! Where am I?!" I shouted, my head pounding.
"Look who decided to wake up." Said the Joker, arising from the shadows of the room. The light above me flickered, and I only just noticed how bright it was. I look to the side to see him approaching me, Harley sitting on a chair in the corner, watching. His green hair was slick back, and his bare, pale torso was filled with tens or hundreds of tattoos.
"Are you gonna kill me?" I asked, terrified.
"No." He said, picking up two paddles that were on the small steel instrument table. He smeared them with conductive Jelly before placing them on my temples.
"I'm just gonna hurt ya. Really, really bad." He smirked down at me.

"I wonder where I've heard that before

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"I wonder where I've heard that before." Harley snicker from her seat in the corner. The two laughed as the machine turned on, and 450 volts of agonizing electricity seared through my brain. I writhed, kicked, and screamed in pain. Until the machine died down, and I laid there, practically brain dead. That was when my body decided to shut down. No more pain. No more agony. Just the sound of their echoing laughs in the distance as my eyes fell shut.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was standing in the front yard of my university, back in Central City. I looked around, a bit confused, until I felt a rough shove from behind.
"Hey dumbass!" I heard a terribly familiar voice say from behind. I turned to see Trish. She is back to haunt me.
"Is the Flash gonna save you now?" She taunted, shoving me some more. She kept shoving me, until her friends joined in.
"Where's your boyfriend? The Flash?" They teased.
"I thought he loved you?"
"Looks like you're not important enough for him."
In a split second, the shoving stopped. I opened my eyes to see a familiar red suit standing in front of me, and the people standing around me stared in shock. As did I.
"I'm right here." He said, crossing his arms and looking at the crowd.
"Now, I suggest you guys leave her alone. Before I make you." He threatened. They all picked up their things and scrambled, terrified. Some managed to get videos and photos of him.
He looked over at me, and I smiled. "What did I say about showing up with your suit on around me." I said, laughing. He looked around, making sure no one was looking, before sweeping me up in his arms and running insanely fast. In a second or two, we were in his apartment.
"Sorry, I couldn't just watch." He said, setting me down and taking his mask off.
"Why were you watching me in the first place?" I asked, walking over to his couch and sitting on it.
He bit his lip. "There isn't a correct answer to that." He laughed, and I did too.
He sat next to me, and fixed my now messy hair. "Are you okay?" He asked, his blue eyes gazing into my green one's.
"I'm fine, Barry." I said, and he began to lean closer.

Just as our lips almost touched in my dream, I began to stir at the sound of my name in the distance.
"August..." I heard, echoing in my mind.
"Barry..." I muttered, my eyes slowly opening.
"August, it's me."
"B-Barry...?" I said, looking up and seeing a familiar face above me.
"Barry!" I shouted in relief, sitting up quickly and hugging him. "Your name is Barry..." I muttered.
He didn't hesitate to hug me back. I felt his arms wrap tightly around my torso, his neck dug into the crook of my neck.
"Yes. And you're August. August More. And I've never been happier to see you." He muttered. He pulled away slightly, enough to look me in the face. " did you know that?" He asked.
"My dream..." I muttered. "How long have I been out?" I asked.
"We've been looking for a way down here for about half an hour, since we got here you've been out for 15 minutes."
"I've been out for 45 minutes?! Where's Joker, Harley?" I asked.
"What are you talking about? We just found you here, by your self, strapped to a table." Said Floyd.
"He tortured me. He used those paddles to electrify my brain!" I said, pointing at the paddles on the steel instrument table. I began to get a flash back of the pain, and it felt real again. Jokers face flashed in my mind, and I began to scream.
"What's wrong with her?!" Asked Barry.
"She's traumatized!" Answered Floyd. "Calm her down!"
Barry hesitated, but he sat on the edge of the metal table, and pulled me onto his lap, my head on his shoulder. I continued to scream, and kick, until tears were streaming down my face as I watched the images and memories of the torture pass my mind. Until Barry began to caress my hair, and shush me softly.
"Hey, August, it's okay, it's not real." He whispered. "August...listen to me, it's not real."
I didn't listen. It felt real. It looked real. I was going insane. I heard stories about Harley, and about how this is how she became her current self. I didn't want to be like Harley.

Flash's POV
It's been five minutes, and August hasn't calm down. I felt bad for her. I had no idea what kind of pain she went through.
"It's not working!" I shouted at Deadshot. "What now?"
He bit his lip, before raising his fist. He hesitated at first, before bringing his fist down and punching August clean out.
"What the-WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted, August's nose was bleeding a bit.
"I had to! We have no time to waste. We need to find them!" He said. "You carry her, while I cover us. We need to scope out the basement for them." He said, before pulling his gun out and walking out of the room. I picked up August's limp body, and carried her, following close to Deadshot.
Whatever August's mind went through, it changed her forever.

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