1 - Hurry

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~Narrator person's P.OV. Let's name the narrator "Narra".~

Slow footsteps echoed down the long corridor. Careful not to bump into anything and cause unnecessary ruckus, Alphys hastily walked back and forth in her lab. Undyne was upstairs, sound asleep, and Alphys didn't want to wake her up. If there's someone you don't want to interrupt in their sleep, it's Undyne the Undying. Wake her up and you'll be the one dying.

"Oh no what do I do what do I do what do I do.." Alphys muttered to herself. "Wait, maybe Frisk is awake. Yes, she must be.." Alphys thought, as she searched her messy room for her phone and finally found it on the floor, nearly buried by empty Ramen Noodle cups. She quickly dialed Frisk's number but panicked hung up before Frisk could've even heard her phone go off. At least, that's what she hoped. Unfortunately for her, she was the one who had actually programmed Frisk's phone and it was the fastest of the fastest. Seconds later, Frisk called back.

Alphys, clearly in shock, looked at her phone's display to see a notification with Frisk's profile photo next to it. A videocall. She picked up. Before she could even blink, Frisk started asking questions. "ALPHYS! What happened? Is it Papyrus? Undyne? Did something bad happen?!"
Alphys nodded. "I.. Uhm.. you need to c-come over here as s-s-oon as you c-can.. I would.. uh.. prefer to ta-talk in.. p-person." She stuttered.
"Can I at least get some explanation? You know how much I value sleep. Toriel doesn't want me sneaking out without a legit excuse, either."
"I can't t-tell you m-m-m-much b-but I can give you a s-summary.. I ha-have the f-file on my phone so I'll.. uhm.. send it.. to you.." and she quickly copy-pasted the file and sent it to Frisk.

Luckily, Frisk was a fast reader and she scanned the text as scavenged her room, looking for her shoes through the big pile of clothes and notebooks that she referred to as her "improvised trashpile". By the time she'd found them, she'd also finished reading the summary Alphys had sent her. Frisk put down her phone to put on her old sneakers and Alphys, assuming Frisk had finished reading, continued talking.

"S-so tha-that's what happened.." Alphys said.
"Well," Frisk replied as she looked for a sweater "If it's that urgent, I guess Toriel would let me go. I'll leave her a note. You're in your lab in Hotland, right?" Alphys nodded.
"I'll be there in a few minutes." and Frisk hung up before Alphys could say goodbye.

Frisk ripped out a page of one of her notebooks and quickly scribbled something on the lined pages and left the note, with her nearly unreadable handwriting, in front of her bedroom door, to make sure Toriel couldn't miss it.


As Frisk hurried downstairs and ran through the long, purple corridor, her hollow footsteps echoing with every step she took, to leave the Ruins, she was still attempting to change clothes without stopping.

Frisk, being the teenager that she was, saw pyjama shorts paired with old sneakers and an oversized sweater as acceptable attire for sneaking out for a jog in the middle of the night. Plus, nobody would see her. Nothing suspicious about a teenaged human girl running through the Underground in the midst of the night, right? Besides, he'd lived in the Ruins with Toriel for about six years and catching Frisk wearing formal attire on regular days was definitely the rarest situation one would find themselves in.

She hadn't bothered to tie her shoelaces and after all those years she still did wear anything other than a striped sweater, unless there was special occasion which required formal attire. Which was never. And, after all, a sweater could literally fit every occasion if done right. In other words, don't wear a bright sweater at a funeral and don't wear a dark sweater on the hottest day of summer. Easy as cinnamon-buttercotch pie. And Frisk was living proof of that. She'd saved monsterkind wearing the same oversized sweater for several days. For this particular ordeal, Frisk had put a striped sweater over her pyjama T-shirt. She slowed her pace a little, going from a sprint to a jog, as she pulled her favourite sweater, similar to the one she'd worn when she'd fallen down six years ago, over her head properly and then started to sprint again as she stretched out the long sleeves to fit over her hands as gloves to shield her from the cold around Snowdin.


Walking from Snowdin to Alphys' lab all the way in Hotland would definitely take way too much time. Waterfall was amazing as well as a maze and both situations were bound to distract someone wandering there.

Frisk hurried to Snowdin to look for the Riverperson and was shocked (this was pun. Someone had to do it) to see all lights were out. Even those in Papyrus' house. Usually he was up until sunrise, because, he does not do "things with his eyes closed and snoring." Now that was suspicious.

Maybe Alphys had accidentally messed up the electricity access in Snowdin in the process of one of her experiments? No way. They all would've heard from Papyrus then. After all, his voice could practically still be heard in outer space. That's how loud is voice sometimes got. And that without a microphone..

Although there obviously was something else going on in Snowdin Town, all Frisk could do was hope that Alphys had indeed made a mistake and that Papyrus just so happened to be on the surface. Frisk had seen this scene before and it brought the shivers down her spine. "Never again." she thought as she hurried to the area to the north of Snowdin, to the river where the Riverperson usually was.

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