5 - Toriel

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~Frisk's P.O.V.~

I woke up at Sans' old sentry station to west of Snowdin. Oh that thing that'd almost killed me at least was as kind to drop me off at a place close to the entrance to the Ruins. Not that I'd forgive them. Or it. I checked my arms and legs for bruises or cuts, because I know for a fact that not every cursed shadow is very nimble. Or, who knows, maybe "they" had tried to kill me. Just assuming the worst. I'm not always an optimist, alright?

At least I was still alive, but once I headed west to go back to the Ruins, I honestly wished I hadn't been. My phone started buzzing like a lightningrod during a thunderstorm again, credits to Toriel, and I fished it out of my pocket.

It was 3:27 so that meant I had been out of my senses for about half an hour. Great. At least getting knocked out by a cursed shadow thing had taken less time than walking would have. But in all honestly I hoped that shadow would've brought me somewhere safe. Why? Well, because, before I could pick up Toriel's call, I spotted her silhouette approaching me in the distance, surrounded by a few spirals of magical flames. I'm dead. So dead.

I was practically nailed to the ground as my goat mom approached me. In the back of my head I heard very distant and low-pitched laughter, it almost sounded like him, but, to be frank, I was more terrified of Toriel rather than by the haunting laughter that echoed through my head. Sure, Toriel was the best (and probably only) goat mom one could ever wish for but boy was she terrifying. The light of the flames dancing around her definitely did not make her figure appear any less terrifying and I was shaking the way my phone did when Toriel had call-spammed it.

By the time I was dragged out of my thought stream, she'd gotten a lot closer and her tall figure, surrounded by countless tiny blue flames, stood in front of me. I was so dead. The flames that had been surrounding her, became even smaller and disappeared as Toriel grabbed me by my left hand and dragged me back to the Ruins. I decided that it was best not to speak.

~Narra's P.O.V.~

Toriel dragged Frisk back to the Ruins and Frisk clearly was struggling to keep up with Toriel's pace. After all, Frisk was very tired. Especially since it was nearly 4 in the freaking morning.

Once they were inside their house, Frisk thought she was safe but oh what a mistake that was. Toriel did not let go of her left arm and walked to Frisk's room, where she finally let go of Frisk, who took a hint and sat down on her bed. Toriel's daunting figure looked at her with some kind of death stare. Toriel opened her mouth to break the silence and started questioning Frisk.

~Toriel's P.O.V.~

"I've scared her enough" I thought as I looked at Frisk. She, too, was growing up, she'd just recently celebrated her sixteenth birthday, and I had to learn to give her some freedom. But for real, she sneaked out in the middle of the night to go to Alphys. I knew it was an emergency and I can't blame Alphys for not informing me, since she doesn't like speaking to others. In fact, I think she even was terrified by me since I was about twice, maybe even thrice if I really tried, her height.

I knew Frisk had been in quite a hurry and she did leave me a note but she should've informed me in person, and if that involved waking me up then so be it, so I would've known right away. I normally prepare breakfast, or a midnight snack in this case, when I wake up and I check on Frisk while the water is heating up, so naturally I don't check the floor in front of her door first. "But it was in the middle of the night." There's nothing wrong about some midnight tea and snail pie, is there now?

In any case, I was shocked to see that Frisk's room was even messier than it usually would be (and trust me, I've tried to make her clean up countless times but that pile of clothes and paper simply returns after a few days) and that she was not present, either. I noticed I had stepped on a piece of paper and quickly attempeted to decipher her handwriting. Naturally, I failed to read anything but the "Hi Toriel," at the start of the note so naturally I panicked and assumed she'd fled from something, which led to.. well, this drama: A terrified teenage human sitting on her bed in the house she shared with her speaking goatmother.

I sighed. "Frisk Dreemurr, if you scare me like this again you will not see the break of dawn ever again." was all I said. I turned away and walked towards the door but turned around again when I heard Frisk mumble a silent "Sorry, Tori" and I sighed yet again.
"I know there are things you need to settle up there, in the Overworld. I'll pack your bag. Get some rest so you can leave later today." Frisk nodded and kicked off her old sneakers as I left the room.

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