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Woah, chapter 10. This is the furthest I've ever come when writing a story. I'm proud. Thanks for reading all this crap up until here ~

~ Austin's P.O.V. ~

Well, we almost were in Mettatown. Just a couple of more minutes to go. I couldn't take my notebook out with Frisk around, she would recognise my weird handwriting and that'd definitely blow my cover. She knew one person who wrote like that and that person happened to be "me."

I was about to wake Frisk up but the universe must've disagreed with me doing that, because she woke up before I could tap her on the shoulder. She seemed in shock - she must've had a nightmare - and as soon as she'd opened her eyes, which seemed to be watery from apparent tears, she quickly wiped her eyes with her left sleeve. Her shoulders tensed up as she glanced around quickly, and then she proceeded to stare at me for a good few seconds as if she had never seen me before. Okay, I must admit, if I woke up from a nightmare and found myself sitting in a moving train in the middle of the night, across from a stranger quite as handsome as myself, then I'd be shocked too.

"We're still in the train to Mettatown. Don't you worry." I reassured her. She sighed and her body relaxed again.

"Did I talk in my sleep?" Frisk asked me. To be fully honest, I had been lost in thought as I went over my plans so I hadn't been too aware of my surroundings. In any case, my reply was a simple "No." and Frisk sighed out of relief. She definitely must've had a nightmare of some kind. I think I knew what her nightmare was about: The time she'd sort of killed Sans, who at the time was a very close friend, almost a brother, to her. It had been six years - her seventeenth birthday actually was in a few days; It was the fifteenth of September that day - and she still was traumatised, which was very understandable though, so I decided not to question her any further. Besides, I already had made a very accurate - probably correct - guess so one step out of line would mean I'd blow my cover.

~ Narra's P.O.V. ~

It was a little past midnight when Austin Blue and Frisk Dreemurr got off the train in Mettatown. The small village was peaceful and even Mettaton seemed to be resting as he was nowhere to be found. Frisk walked in front of Austin and the only light source they had was the dim light of the moon which was hidden behind the dark rain clouds. Frisk's phone had died sometime during the day and she didn't seem to be bothered enough to charge it. Austin was a night person and had no trouble with navigating through the dimly lit village, although he hadn't been there for a few years.

Once they both reached the top of mount Ebott, and they had to walk down the stone stairs, rain started pouring down from the night sky and Frisk's vision was quickly blurred by all the rain and the wet locks of brown hair that kept falling into her field of vision. The sound of both their voices was drowned out by the noise of raindrops falling onto the mountain's rocky surface, making it impossible to communicate without shouting at the top of their lungs, and Austin took Frisk by the hand and slowly guided her down the stairs, careful not to slip down the soaked - if stone can be soaked - staircase.

Once they had finally reached the final few steps, Austin's grip on Frisk's right hand loosened but he didn't let go until they'd entered the Ruins and they were finally shielded from the rain. Frisk thanked him for helping her. Austin responded with a light smile and he ran a hand through his soaked brown hair, which was now messier than ever.

Austin let Frisk lead the way to Toriel's house - the puzzles had been disabled out of safety precautions, according to Toriel - and they were soon greeted by Toriel who opened the front door to her house, before Frisk's hand had even made contact with the wood. It seemed as if she had been waiting for them, or for Frisk, at least. She hugged Frisk briefly and gave Austin an understanding nod, as if she was trying to say she knew what he was up to.

"Who might this young man be, my child?" Toriel asked her adoptive daughter.

Austin took a small step forward, he was now standing next to Frisk, and he held out his left hand. Toriel shook his hand for a very brief moment after which the young man introduced himself.

"My name's Austin Blue. You must be To- ahem, Mrs. Dreemurr, is that correct?"

Toriel frowned ever so slightly upon hearing the young man's last name, stood there, lost in thought, for a moment or two, and then said "Ah! Blue! I recognise that name. Yes, your great grandfather was a friend of my husband, was he not? And I see you have made little Frisk here your acquaintance, too."

Frisk pouted slightly when Toriel referred to her as "Little Frisk". She was almost seventeen, not seven. Both Austin and Toriel couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the sight and Austin then confirmed to Toriel that she had guessed correctly. Toriel offered them to spend the night in the Ruins. After all, they'd been travelling that entire day and their clothes still were soaked from the rain. Austin glanced over to Frisk, to silently ask for her agreement. She was leading this whole trip and Austin didn't want to be too bothersome.

"We'll just need some dry clothes," Frisk said. Austin was slightly disappointed since he was starting to get a little drowsy - and he regretted not sleeping in the train - but shrugged it off and followed Frisk and Toriel inside. Toriel did not ask him any questions either, which, Austin assumed, was because she'd seen right through him.. or she remained silent simply out of politeness.

She'd told him and Frisk to wait in the living room, which was filled with carefully arranged bookshelves, and Toriel quickly returned with a hand-made navy blue sweater with a red line running horizontally across the middle for Frisk and a sweater similar in design, only bigger and with the opposite colours - it was yellow and an ocean blue line ran across the middle.

Austin was about to change clothes right then and there but was stopped by a subtle cough from Frisk, who was not too happy with a stranger stripping down to his pants in front of a girl he hardly knew, especially while her mother was still in the room as well. Austin's cheeks turned a very light shade of pink as he realised he'd embarrassed himself and Frisk took his hand and then dragged him to the hallway where her room was, Toriel's light giggling echoing behind them from the kitchen.

Frisk facepalmed as she sighed "Mind your manners. I know it's a guy's natural instinct to strip whenever he feels like it but I don't need you to make this whole situation more awkward than it already is." and Austin struggled to hold back his laughter.

"Look," Frisk said "I'll go in my room to change and you can change here in the hallway, alright?" and she shut the door to her room before Austin had had a chance to respond.

"Whoops," Austin thought to himself "At least she won't think I'm him now, will she?" He shrugged and quickly took of his vest, revealing his incredibly pale skin, and put on the sweater he'd gotten from Toriel.

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