7 - Blue

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I had killed Sans.

Hestitating, I shook the man's pale hand, tears still streaming down my face, and he introduced himself.

"The name's Austin Blue. And you're Frisk Dreemurr, aren't you?" I nodded and he let go of my hand. Clearly, he knew me and I was slightly freaked out by that. Though it was to be expected since I was the only one who cried when Monster Kid was accusing Frisk Dreemurr of murder. And, in case he was bad at taking hints, Monster Kid had even shot me a few dirty looks. So it was to be expected he knew me.

Austin, huh? Guess I made a new friend that day. Little did I know. And he knew more about me and my past, so he clearly was not stupid, to say the least. Far from it, even. "Sans' death is not your fault. Don't listen to those Locket guys. They don't like humans, nothing you can do about it." Austin sighed and looked away, avoiding my gaze. Though I knew for sure that it was a lie, it did cheer me up a little bit.

I studied Austin for a brief moment: He was a few inches taller than me, I think he was around 5"7', me being 5"3', and his messy hair was the same shade of brown as mine. His right iris was light brown, with a hint of yellow, matching his hair color. However, his left iris was a lighter shade of brown, almost orange. That was called heterochromia, right? I probably I stared at his left eye a little too long because Austin frowned when our eyes met and he noticed I was studying him rather carefully.

"I see my left iris has caught your eye," he said. Wow. Two puns in one sentence? Way to go. I barely knew him and he already was acting like the classic comedian. I couldn't help but giggle when he made that pun and he, too, laughed at his own joke. And the most awkward silence of my life is what followed after.

Austin seemed to be studying me as well and then proceeded to ask me why I was in London, what I knew about the Lockets and if I needed help. The answers to those questions were, in order, "I know something close to nothing. Yet again, something like nothing. And yes." He offered me help and, dear Lord, that guy seemed to know more about the situation than I did. I'd only just met him but I needed evey bit of help I could find.

"You see, my great grandfather actually was on rather good terms with king Asgore before.. well, the whole war thing happened. Naturally, I've done my historical research and I had just finished studying science, mainly focusing on physics and technology, when you shattered the Barrier six years ago." He shrugged, then continued, "Originally I was planning to study magic afterwards, so I could find a way to shatter the Barrier from the outside, without harming anyone, but it looked like I was too late at that point."

Boy, I almost felt guilty. Almost. I didn't feel guilty because Austin was genuinely genuinely smiling as he told his story so I figured it was fine for me to not feel guilty.. right?

"After the Barrier was shattered, I met that gray Monster Kid guy you saw just now. He seemed to be rather interested in magic as well as science so I couldn't help but explain it to him. He thought me about the history of monsterkind and in return, I thought him the basics of what I knew about the Barrier. I even gave him a copy of some of my most important notes so he could remember it better." Austin sighed and shrugged again. "Well, that was a stupid choice. So stupid. I thought he was genuinely interested but it turns out even friends can stab you in the back sometimes, too. A fool, if not worse, I was for trusting him like that."

That last sentence in particular really hurt me. Reminded me of.. a bad time.

"Now he's figuring out how to make another Barrier so humans will no longer be able to enter or leave the Underground again. He's basically making history repeat itself, but this time the tables have turned."

Alphys had only told me that part. I didn't know nor understand anything else about it. I do recall hearing Toriel and Asgore speaking about a family by the name of Blue several times. So I was certain Austin was telling the truth. Besides, who else was there to trust? Alphys only knew so much and our time was limited, so we had to use every bit of help we could find. What I got from she'd told me, the Lockets only needed the right amount of magic to create the Barrier. In other words, they needed to gather monsters at the exit of the Underground to make them focus their magic on one specific point so the magic can be absorbed and used later to create a new Barrier.

Maybe Austin could even help Alphys with her research? After all, he had affiliations with the Dreemurr family in some way and he had studied science and not many people, 3 to be exact, in my social circle had a degree in science. I decided to ask him about Alphys, because what else did I have to lose? I mean, he had seen me bawling my eyes out so there was not much of dignity I had left to lose.

"So you're saying that Monster Kid knows how to create a new, human-proof Barrier?" I asked. Austin nodded.

"Does the name Alphys maybe ring a bell to you?" Clearly enough, it did. Indeed it did. Austin seemed slightly startled upon hearing her name, and then told me he did know her. In fact, they'd even met on several occasions. Good, I could get Alphys to confirm his.. existence. I explained I was going to video call her, and his eyes, though not literally, lit up when he heard that.

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