Chapter 7

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A/N- Hey guys! School has finally started, so I probably won't be able to update as frequently. Also, if you wanted to hear one of the songs that Lance was singing, play the video! It's called the Immigrant song, by Led Zeppelin.

"Ground control to Major Tom.."

"Lance. Lance don't you dare. I will shove a stick up your-"

"Ground control to Major Tom.."

"Lance it's not too late to stop."

"Check ignition and may God's love be with you.."

"LANCE. I will turn this car around."


Lance was shouting now, bouncing up and down in his seat. Shiro was banging his head on the steering wheel, and Keith was plugging his ears now.

Whenever a song that Lance loved came on the radio, he would do everything in his power to make sure every single car next to him knew he was singing as loudly as he could.

Keith was slouched over, mumbling curses under his breath, while Shiro was reevaluating his choices of taking them to the arcade.

He told the gang he'd meet them there, so while Pidge, Hunk, and Allura were having the times of their lives in Allura's car, Keith was convinced that his eardrums weren't going to make it.

Finally the song came to an end, and Lance was done obnoxiously shouting. Finally there was silence in the car, and it was like Keith's wish had been granted. Or so, he thought.

"Shirooo.. I'm hungry.." Groaned Lance, slouching over in the car.

"Lance, you're such a bonehead. You literally had a giant breakfast not that long ago. And you're telling me you're hungry?"

Lance shrugged, rolling his eyes. "I'm allowed to be hungry, alright? When are we getting food?"

Shiro tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, wishing that this conversation was already over.

"Lance, we'll eat when we're at the arcade. We can get fries and stuff."

Lance pressed his face against the window, finally silent. And Keith just silently prayed that it would stay that way.

Of course, it didn't. Right when the 'Immigrant song' by Led Zeppelin started playing, Lance shot up faster than Keith has ever seen him.

Keith's never even seen him move so fast.

"We come from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs flow!"

Shiro bashed his head against the steering wheel again, and Keith put his hands over his face. God, this was gonna be the longest 30 minute car drive ever.


Finally after several song verses later, along with many attempts to get Lance to be quiet, they pulled up into the parking lot of the arcade.

Everyone jumped out of the car, and Lance practically ran in circles.

"Fries! Pizza! Pac-Man!" Lance suddenly gasped, before pointing a finger at Keith.

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