Chapter 13

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Keith let out a small grunt, slowly opening his eyes.

He was facing away from Lance's side, and he raised his eyebrows when he felt two arms around his waist.

Keith slowly turned his head, only to see Lance. Lance spooning him.

Oh my god what is he doing?

Keith felt his face turn bright pink, and he tried to wiggle out of Lance's grasp.

Lance let out a small grunt, only wrapping his arms around Keith's waist tighter.

Keith wasn't sure what to do. Was Lance aware of what he was doing? Was he asleep? But at the same time.. Keith wasn't complaining.

He let out a small sigh, giving in. So he snuggled up against Lance even closer.

So what? It was cold out.

Lance let out a sigh, leaning his head into Keith's shoulders.

So now they were both pressed against each other, snuggling.

Keith felt a smile plaster across his face as Lance's body warmth moved to his.

Lance chuckled, burying his face into Keith's messy hair, causing his warm breath to trickle down Keith's neck.

"You're a dork.." Mumbled Lance quietly.

That sent chills down Keith's body.

Oh my god. Oh my god. He is awake. Abort mission. Abort mission. Keith you are gay and you can't deny it.

"I know you're awake.." Whispered Lance, his voice grumbling from tiredness.

"And in the morning, this never happened.." Whispered Lance, bringing Keith even closer.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Sound the sirens. Maybe Lance was just sleep talking. But did he really mean this?..

Keith smiled, closing his eyes.

"Okay babe.." Whispered Keith, before he realized what he said. He gasped, and what made it even worse was Pidge heard him.

"Oh my god I always knew they were gay!" She yelled, causing everyone to wake up.

"Who's attacking?! Commanded Shiro, lifting his head up. His hair was ruffled, and he was still half asleep.

"You guys do realize it's 6:30, right? We need to be at Disney Land by 8:00."  Muttered Allura, slowly lifting her head.

Hunk lifted his head, putting his hands over his face. "Who's gay?.. What's even happening.."

Pidge jumped up and down, pointed at Lance and Keith.

"They were cuddling! Keith called Lance babe! And they can't deny it!" She yelled, gasping excitedly.

Keith lifted his head, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Wh-what?! No!"

"What?! No way! Stop lying Pidge!" Gasped Lance, side glancing at Keith.

"Alright, Pidge. Leave them alone. Now everyone get dressed. We have an hour drive to Disney Land, and I want us to spend all day there." Commanded Shiro, opening his suitcase.

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