Chapter 24

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Keith and Lance spent the rest of the day wondering aimlessly around the town, cat calling some girls just for fun.

Although it wasn't very successful for Keith, who had a giant purple spot on his forehead.

It was around 6:00, and both of them were anxiously waiting to roller skate.

Keith had locked his motorcycle up in a public parking garage, and refused to go back to his house to put it in the garage.

Keith lit another cigarette, leaning against a metal bike rack as Lance looked around waiting impatiently for Shiro and the gang.

Keith let out a puff of dark gray smoke, staring at the ground with heavy eyes before he began breaking out into a fit of coughs.

Lance turned towards him, furrowing his eyebrows. "Keith! What did I tell you about smoking this much? You're gonna drop dead."

Keith pounded his chest, scrunching his bruised nose. "Lance you know I'm fine. And I've already told you the reasons why I smoke." He protested in a raspy voice, throwing the cigarette and stomping it on the ground.

"Shiro wouldn't approve." Said Lance, leaning against the bike rack along side Keith, hands in his pockets.

"Shiro isn't my dad, Lance. And he's not going to stop me from smoking, and neither are you."

Lance groaned, clearly giving up. He fiddled around in his pockets, before pulling out his pocket knife.

He flicked it up and down, staring at it blankly in hope that it would entertain him.

There was a moment of silence between the two boys as they tended to their own business. Keith was counting how many cigarettes he had left, hoping it would last him long enough when he would inevitably have to return home.

Lance on the other hand was staring at his pocket knife Shiro gave him, looking as though he was in a trance.

The silence lingered a little longer, before the recognizable rumble of Shiro's truck could be heard.

Lance and Keith both looked up, to see the beat up truck pull into the parking space ahead of them.

Shiro was the first to get out of the car, followed by Allura who sat with him in the front.

Allura saw Lance and instantly jogged up to him, wrapping her arms around him. "I'm sorry about your grandma, Lance." She said, her voice showing the worry.

Lance just shrugged slightly, putting his pocket knife away. "Thanks Allura." He said blankly, trying to hide just how upset he was that she brought it up.

Allura turned to Keith, her eyes widening. "Keith what happened to your head?!" She asked, placing her warm hand on the wound.

"More like who did that to your head." Mumbled Shiro, slowly walking towards Keith.

Keith let out a nervous laugh, backing away. "Guys, relax. I just fell, it's nothing to worry about.

Hunk and Pidge walked up behind them, raising their eyebrows.

"Wow, you really think we're nothin but some dimwits, don't you? That clearly came from a hit to the face." Announced Pidge, adjusting her glasses.

"Keith, you better fess up. Who hurt you?" Demanded Shiro, tensing his shoulders.

Allura opened her mouth, but instead Keith interrupted.

"Alright then, my dad hit me with a beer bottle. Are you satisfied? Now let's go bowling, woo-hoo." He sarcastically said, before walking to the car.

"Keith, you come back here! Your dad did what?!" Asked Shiro, leaping into the car after Keith.

"Wow, what a great way to start off a roller skating  trip." Groaned Pidge, turning to Hunk.

Hunk just shrugged, closing his eyes. "I don't know man. I'd like to go roller skating just once without some sort of drama happening."

Pidge nodded, following Hunk, Lance, and Allura back to the car.

As soon as everybody was squeezed in, Shiro drove down the street towards the roller skating rink, pressuring Keith with thousands of questions.

Instead Keith just ignored him, and stared out into the window blankly. He liked having somebody like Shiro look after him, but now he wasn't in the mood.

There was another long break of silence in the car, before Shiro spoke up again.

"So, Lance and Keith, how's your uhm.. relationship been going?" Asked Shiro, tapping his hands on the steering wheel.

Lance flinched, his eyes darting towards the window to escape making eye contact with Shiro through the review mirror.

"Its uhm.. fine. It's just hard not being able to walk around holding his hand or whatever. Unless we want to be verbally attacked." Muttered Keith. "My dad already calls me a pansy, and he doesn't even know yet."

"If you want my opinion, I think you should stay in the closet for now. For your own safety. I mean, you can do whatever, but by the looks of your forehead coming out would not end well." Said Pidge, putting her hands in her pockets.

Lance and Keith nodded, and the car fell silent once more.

After a bit of driving, Shiro made an announcement while passing the park.

"Alright everybody, just keep a lookout. Also, I forgot to mention that Tony sent me a message on the phone saying how pissed he was with us, so just stay alert." Muttered Shiro, looking out the window.

"And why didn't you tell us this before we left?" Asked Allura, her voice on edge.

"Chillax babe, I've got heaters in the trunk in case we get into trouble." Muttered Shiro.

Allura just groaned, putting her hands over her face.

Shiro smirked, leaning over and giving her a large kiss on the cheek.

"Shiro, look out!" Yelled Hunk, causing Shiro to instantly slam his foot on the breaks, making everyone in the car to jolt forward.

"What the hell?!" Asked Shiro, looking through the window. Although he could barely see, he could make out the silhouette of several boys in front of their car.

Shiro examined them a little longer, before his eyes shot open.

"Get the heaters."

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