Lessons and friends

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Author note:
This stories are not true and have nothing to do with my personal life. This is about a girl named Amelia and her life, not mine.

There will be slight swearing (God, shit) but nothing extreme. If this offends you I suggest you do not read these stories.

On that topic feel free to express your opinion on my stories because I know I am not the best and would like to get better.

Finally I would like to say that I do not own fairy tail (sadly) and any of the characters (aside from my own Amelia) belong to the rightful owner Hiro Mashima.
Have fun reading and enjoy! :3
Hi I'm Amelia. And this is my diary! In this book I will be telling you about my adventures in fairy tail high! My crushes, my homework, my friends. Basically all the drama and fun will be splattered across these pages. Have fun reading and maybe you can relate!

Lessons and friends
And so my day continues as I calmly pace myself towards my locker.

I was walking with Lissanna who I now have a weird friendship with, although the way we became friends probably should of been the way we became enemies.

We bonded because Lissanna likes Natsu.

It's weird and I'm sitting there like what bullshit are you spitting out? I don't like Natsu like that! Or do I? I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE!!
Regardless, Lissanna insists I do and we somehow bonded over it.

Lissanna is actually really nice and let me give her the nickname 'Liz' (I know creative right?). She is a very giggly person and smiles a lot even in bad situations, which I personally admire and kind of envy.

So yeah Lissanna is practically my BFF now! I think... I'm not really the best with friendships.

Anyway back to my day. I was walking with Lissanna to my locker and turns out my locker was opposite hers! (Practically) I had number 143 and she had 159 so life is good right now.

But to make things even more interesting, Natsu's locker was NEXT TO MINE!

Oh joy

Luckily, he's not THAT messy and only the inside of his locker seems stuffy.

We are actually allowed to decorate our lockers and Natsu by the looks of it has a nack for drawing because he has and amazingly painted dragon on the front of his locker that seems like a cross between anime and graffiti. In other words, his drawing style is awesome!

Whereas my locker has a simple rose on the front.

Being the genuine nice person I am (yeah right I just wanted to talk to him) thought I compliment his artwork.

"Hi Natsu!" I said with a gleaming smile.
"Hi Amelia! How's the first day going? Meet anyone?"
"Not yet but Liz is really nice to me."
"Liz?" The pinkette asked questionably.
"Lissanna lets me call her that" I replied.
"Oh that's good, I'm glad! What's your next class?" He gave me the biggest smile I've ever seen that seemed to brighten up the hole locker hallway.

"Science. You?" I replied blankly.
"That reminds me can I ask you something?"
"Um, sure what d'ya need?"
"Your art is amazing on your locker an I was wondering where you learnt how to draw so good. I would love for you to teach me!" I beamed with the warmest and sweetest smile I could make.

Natsu seemed honestly flattered by my statement and he blushed in embarrassment while looking down at the soles of his feet.
"My farther showed me how..." He muttered back.

"Really! maybe you could teach me, I'm really bad at art.." I said glumly while tilting my head towards my locker to indicate my rubbish drawing.

He stared at me for a moment. (Which personally was the longest moment of my life) and I didn't know why but if only a second I swear I saw sadness and grief in his eyes. However it quickly disappeared and he turned his gaze to my locker.

after studying it he looked back at me by once again giving me a loving smile saying.
"It's not bad Amelia, although I can add to it if you like? Maybe a, galaxy drawing?"
"Are you cereal! Yes! thank you so much!"

And that was the perfectly ironic time for the bell to ring for class. //author: I say that but I wrote it...// As I said goodbye to Natsu and ran towards Liz who annoyingly watched the whole scene with the pink haired boy play out.

"So. You and Natsu~" She began. And I already knew where that conversation was going by the eerily sweetness drenched in her voice.

"Me and Natsu...?" I asked innocently, pretending to have no clue what she was on about.

"Girl you know what I mean! He was blushing and kept smiling at you. He so likes you back!" The Snow hair girl blabbered on.

"Uh! he so does not! Plus I don't even like him that way..." I huffed with a small blush tinted over my face.

"You so do!" She announced and practically breached our conversations to the whole school. My red face increased dramatically as I gave her a full on glare that read 'shut the hell up!' luckily, she understood and sheepishly smiled at me with a "sorry...".

"You so do though..." She muttered under her breath and I replied with another death stare.
At that time I was sat in a slightly uncomfortable plastic chair with a pair of glass goggles plastered onto my eyeballs.

Beside me was a loud but sweet blue haired girl known by the name Levy Mcgarden.

She also had unfashionable glass goggles glued onto her face.
Although unfortunately for me, she looks good in any time of glasses.

We were currently working on a essay in pairs about the thermal energy of a moving car and the Kinetic energy of a rubber band along with their similarities.

It seemed that levy was the expert but I did my best to keep up with all her conclusions and hypothesising.
Trust me it's a lot harder than it looks to keep up with her.

Then suddenly out of nowhere. Loki saw me with Levy and how well we were doing on our essay. So he decided the best thing to do was to trip me up while I was carrying chemicals.

Not a good idea.

I was humbly walking back to Levy and he put out his foot affront of me, looking away casually.
I slipped with thud and the spilt copper-monoxide on the side all over me and his shirt.

I got up and (after looking at myself with disgust) went over to him and begged for forgiveness with an apologetic look.

At first he seemed startled that he got dragged into his own little trick, But after realizing where he was he pushed me away and started yelling towards the teacher.

"Miss she purposely tripped and threw all this over me! Give her a detention!" He roared like a little girl.

I stood their and stared at him incredulously. What was he talking about! I slipped and just happened to be next to him (as far as I knew). I didn't do anything purposely!

But lucky me! It had to be a strict teacher.

"Detention! Both of you!" She shouted! Her voice echoing off the walls.

"What?!" We both screamed in reply. Our mouths agape to her words.

Meanwhile in the corner of the room stood Lissanna and Levy eyeing Loki suspiciously.

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