Day drama

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Author note:
This stories are not true and have nothing to do with my personal life. This is about a girl named Amelia and her life, not mine.

There will be slight swearing (God, shit) but nothing extreme. If this offends you I suggest you do not read these stories.

On that topic feel free to express your opinion on my stories because I know I am not the best and would like to get better.

Finally I would like to say that I do not own fairy tail (sadly) and any of the characters (aside from my own Amelia) belong to the rightful owner Hiro Mashima.
Have fun reading and enjoy! :3
Hi I'm Amelia. And this is my diary! In this book I will be telling you about my adventures in fairy tail high! My crushes, my homework, my friends. Basically all the drama and fun will be splattered across these pages. Have fun reading and maybe you can relate!

Today started like any other day. Me getting off the train. Walking to school and silen- wait a minute... Where is everyone!

After a bit of searching I found Natsu, Gray, Liz and Juvia under one of the trees. Natsu lying down like a starfish, probally asleep. Liz sitting next to him trying to wake him up. Juvia trying to move closer to Gray and Gray himself leaning against the tree on the floor, leg propped up and half awake.

"Um hi guys, what's wrong?" I ask nervously. In all they just looked bored.

"Amelia! Thank god your here!" Liz cried running towards me and leaving Natsu to sleep in peace. Along with Gray, who is now also asleep.

"What happened to everyone? You all seem so bored" I asked
"Well, you see..." Liz began.


We all turned around to see Natsu standing behind us, awake and looking down at my shoes. His hands were tucked deep into his pockets and even though we could see his whole face, his eyes told us he was upset and worried.

"It's Erza" he said again.
"What happened?" Now that you mention it, I didn't notice the powerful, cake loving girl wasn't nearby. That explains why everyone is so bored. I mean in most of thier heads, if no ones there to yell at them what's the point?

"She had a fight with Jellal and now, we can't find her" Juvia explained from her spot next to the sleeping Gray.

"Well let's go find her! Where haven't you guys looked?" I announced.

"Well I guess we haven't looked in a few places.." Liz muttered mostly to herself.
After that I set off with Liz and Natsu to look for Erza, Juvia decided to stay wth Gray until he woke up.

Looking for someone takes a lot out of you, now I understand why Natsu and Gray were asleep.

After searching and searching and searching the bell eventually rang and we all had to go to class. Though Natsu had some luck on his side.

"Natsu? The ball just rang why do you seem so relieved?" Liz asked with a confused look on her face.

"Because Erza is in my next class! I just hope she is there..." he replied with fear in his eyes.

I wave goodbye to Natsu and walked off to history, pleading Natsu would sort Erza out. I mean I'm not one to gossip, but almost everyone in our friend group knows Erza had a crush on Jellal.
"How did it go?" I questioned, as I came nearer to the pink haired.
I set down in Spanish class, Praying Erza would be there.

Coincidentally, The red haired female walked in at that moment. She looked a bit upset, her body language on the angry side and she was obviously crying earlier. But I though she might need a friend right now. So I walked up to her before she sat down.

"Erza!" I cried.
"Natsu..." She whispered in reply. Suddenly, she regained her composure. Standing tall I front of me.

"If you was going to ask if I'm okay the answer is yes. And I apologise if I worried you, is there something else you needed?" She asked confidently.

It was an act, that much was obvious. I may look dumb to other people but I know my facts. Her posture and her tone of voice told me everything I needed to know about the way she was feeling. Still, I played along.

"Oh. I'm glad your okay then. Do you want to talk about it though, class doesn't start yet so we've got about 3 minutes" I replied in a normal but still slightly concerned voice.

"Not at the moment, Maybe at break" she said quietly.

"Okay sure what ever you need" and with that we both sat down to wait for our teacher.
"That's all that happened really" Natsu finished. "Though I'm still a bit worried about her"

"What do you guys actually know about the fight?" I asked. The thought only came to me a minute ago, but Natsu and Liz never really explained to me what happened.

"We don't know much" the pinkette replied sadly. "But what we do know is it was some kind of misunderstanding that Erza took seriously. I think Jellal said something he didn't mean to, and it kind of escalated from there. Like I said I don't know the details"

"Okay well I've really got to go! Gosh we are both 2 minutes late for our next class, let me know if you find out anything else. Cya!" I blabbered quickly. Running off to my next class I was already tardy for.

"Oh you're right! Cya Amelia!" Natsu said back. Copying my action by running to opposite direction.

So yeah that's fun right. Ugh I have a feeling this fights gonna go on for a while, well see ya later!


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