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I SIGHED AND WAITED for my business teacher to come in. Before he could, however, Elijah did. He made his way to his regular seat, which just somehow happened to be the one next to mine. 

"Good morning Dev," he smiled. "Where were you this morning?"

"Lindsay drove me," I answered. "She's been doing that all week."

"Lindsay?" Elijah scoffed. "Since when is she up before two?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "She's being really weird. Like, she made me breakfast today. Granted the toast was burnt and the eggs were under cooked, but she was actually trying to do something other than get drunk."

"Maybe she's grown out of her partying phase," Elijah suggested. "Or... She could be pregnant."

"She's not pregnant," I assured him. 

"Well how do you know?" He rose an eyebrow at me. 

"Because I do," I told him. 

"I forgot you could read minds," he smirked. I rolled my eyes and Mr Gregory finally walked in. 

At lunch, I went to sit on the oval, as I liked to do because Isiah usually played football with all of his friends. In other words, I basically sat there to stare at him as he sweated. 

Normally, Kendall came over and took him away because she didn't like the way he smelt after running around, but today she hadn't. Kendall was no where to be seen today and I couldn't for the life of me think of why. 

I knew she was at school today, because as I was on my way to my fourth class, she tripped me over. She just wasn't here, ruining Isiah's fun... Wait, why did I think this was a problem again?

"Hey Dev!" Isiah called. He was jogging over to me as his friends continued playing their game. He sat next to me and took three deep breaths. 

"Are you okay?" I asked him. "You seem a bit puffed out."

"Very funny," he panted. 

"What can I do you for Isiah?" I smiled. 

"I need you to go and find Kendall for me," he said and I looked at him in confusion. "I would, but I'm a little busy here."

"Kendall and I don't exactly see eye to eye," I said slowly. "If you're looking for Kendall then you should just go and find her yourself. She's going to take you away from the game anyway so-"

"Devon," he interrupted. "I'm asking you to do something. I don't understand why you're making such a big deal out of it."

"Because Kendall hates me!" I cried. "Why would you ask me to do this?"

Isiah huffed and started to get to his feet. For some reason, he looked visibly angry. I remembered what Elijah had said, that both Kendall and I were Isiah's property. After Isiah had stomped away, I got up and started towards the girls bathrooms. 

The fact that Isiah was angry was now making me angry too. 

I stepped in and froze, there was someone else in here. I quickly ducked into a stall and locked it before closing the lid and sitting on it. I pulled my legs up so nobody would see that I was in here and listened.

"Did you hear that?" A girl asked quietly.

"You're so paranoid," a guy chuckled. But I knew the voice, I  practically worshipped it. A perfect blend of smooth with those rough edges. It was Isiah, only it couldn't be because he was still out on the oval. 

Now who else could have the exact same voice as Isiah?

"No one uses these bathroom," Elijah assured the girl. "They're scared this one is haunted or whatever."

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