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"YOUR LUCKY DEVON," KENDALL assured me as we waited for Elijah to meet us. "You got the better brother."

"It's not like I own him or anything," I muttered. 

"You know what I mean," she rolled her eyes. Since Isiah had found out about Kendall and Elijah, Kendall had been talking to me a lot more. Not in the mean way that I was so used to though. We were actually, dare I say it, becoming friends. "So have you two... You know?"

"No," I scoffed. "I mean, believe it or not Ken, that's not the first thing normal people do in a relationship."

"Ken," she repeated with a small smile. 

"Sorry," I apologised quickly. "I know that's what Elijah calls you, it just kind of slipped out."

"It's fine," she chuckled. "I like being called Ken. Isiah doesn't call me that because it makes him think of Barbie's boyfriend. My dad used to call me that, but now it's only Eli."

"Why doesn't you dad call you that anymore?" I checked.

"He died a few years ago," she answered.

"Oh," I frowned. I saw no use in apologising to people that had lost someone. I didn't know Kendall's father personally and for all I know he could have been a horrible person. 

"Here he is," Kendall smiled. I looked up and Elijah was bounding towards us. I expected him to stop when he reached us, but as he neared I realised that he planned to run right into me. At the last minute, I stepped out of the way and Elijah was sent crashing to the ground. 

"Devon why?!" Elijah cried and cradled his knee. Kendall was beside herself in laughter, the wind chime laugh and for a minute I was bewildered that it was me that made her laugh like that. 

Elijah got to his feet and dusted his uniform off before digging his hand into his pocket. He pulled a necklace with a dragonfly pendant out and gave it to Kendall.

"This is yours," he told her. "I found it in my room the other night."

"This isn't mine," Kendall scoffed and tried giving it back to him. "A dragonfly? Please, that's so tacky."

"No," Elijah furrowed his eyebrows. "It has to be yours."

"I know my jewellery Eli," she scoffed. "It must be Devon's."

"I don't wear necklaces," I told them quickly. 

"Well if it's not mine, and it's not Devon's..." Kendall mumbled. I narrowed my eyes at Elijah and he pulled his phone out. 

"It might be Mona's," he muttered. 

"I'd hate to point out the obvious," Kendall mocked, "but this is a rocky start to a relationship."

"I'm not the jealous type," I warned him. "But so help me God Elijah if you make me, you'll regret it."

"Honestly, I don't know where this necklace could have come from," Elijah huffed. 

"Don't lie," Kendall snapped. "Devon is your girlfriend now, you can't keep stuff from her."

"I am an excellent spy," I told him. "I'll find out."

"I never thought I'd see the day when it was you two ganging up against me," Elijah shook his head. He passed the necklace to me and I rose an eyebrow at him. "Use those detective skills of yours and work out who it belongs to."

"Mhmm," I hummed and snatched it off him. I tucked it into my pocket and folded my arms across my chest. 

"I've got to go," Kendall sighed. "If I don't make an appearance, Isiah will worry."

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