Chapter 3: Arrived!

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"Ah Oregon". Abby said, exhaling as she breathed in the crisp and clean Oregon air. "Land of the lumberjack hippies who smoke weed while riding bicycles".

Ziva chuckled. "You forgot Sasquatch". She stated as a man with a scruffy beard wearing a shirt with Bigfoot on it, walked past them. The man gave them the 'peace' sign with his fingers, and walked away.

Tony chuckled immaturely. "Hey Ziva". Tony said, smaking Ziva's arm to get her attention. "Peace!" He imitated the man by giving Ziva the 'peace' sign with his fingers.

"DiNozzo!" Gibbs barked as he slapped Tony upside the head. "Don't make fun of the Oregonians".

"Yes Boss. Got it Boss. Won't happen again Boss". Tony said, slightly embarrassed.


"Ta-da!!!!" Abby exclaimed enthusiastically as they reached their cabin-like-house. "Welcome to the humble home of Meadow House #19"!!!

Gibbs drove their rental Ford Explorer into the driveway of Meadow House #19, and parked. "Ziver!!" He barked.

Ziva's snores abruptly stopped as she was startled awake. "Wha-what? Are we here yet?" She asked groggily, rubbing her eyes.

It was a four hour drive from the Portland, Oregon airport, to Sunriver (Bend), Oregon. While Gibbs drove to Sunriver, Ziva had fallen asleep on Tony's shoulder. Tony didn't mind Ziva's body weight on his shoulder. He actually debated taking a nap as well, but decided not too as soon as he saw the Oregon views. He excitedly whipped out his digital camera, and snapped many pictures of the heavily wooded forests, and the river sparkling from the bright sun. A hawk circled above a cluster of trees, and Tony quickly took a picture before they drove away.

"We just arrived". Gibbs informed her. "As soon as you let go of DiNozzo, he can actually get out of the car".

Ziva looked at her arms that were wrapped tightly around Tony's stomach. "Sorry". She mumbled as she reluctantly let go. Tony was a very comfortable pillow.

Tony gave her one of his charming grins, and winked at her. "It's ok Zee-vah. You don't have to apologize".

Ziva's brows furrowed as she scowled. She murmured something incoherent in Hebrew, and stormed out of the car. Tony sighed. Ziva was bitchy whenever she was tired.

Tony came to the conclusion that a sleepy Ziva is completely different than a tired Ziva. A sleepy Ziva is a cute, less ferocious, and an innocent looking Ziva. A tired Ziva is a bitchy, sarcastic, and a downright scary Ziva. You didn't want to be in the same room with a tired Ziva. Her patience would run extremely thin, and every tiny thing would make her blow up like a volcano. Snarky comments and death glares would flow out of Ziva like lava flowing out of volcano.

With being Ziva's partner and close friend, Tony knew how to read Ziva. He knew when she was about to blow up, and when to safely tease her. When Ziva was about to blow up, Tony would give her distance, and talk to her gently and considerately.

Another side of Ziva that Tony hardly ever saw, was a vulnerable Ziva. His heart would ache whenever he saw Ziva in a raw emotional and vulnerable state. It seemed like she just gave up. Gave up with caring. Gave up with living. Anytime Ziva seemed on the brink of crying, Tony would remind her that At Lo Levad. That she was not alone.

Tony watched Ziva's retreating form as she walked towards the house. He shook his head. "Oh Ziva, Ziva, Ziva". He chuckled to himself. He opened the car door, (that Ziva had recently slammed shut) and jogged to catch up with the rest of the team.

Hope you enjoyed!! More tiva coming up soon 😉.

Vacation in Sunriver, OREGON Where stories live. Discover now