Chapter 12: Campfire... Literally

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Together, they made their way back to their cabin. They were greeted by Abby and McGee. Abby pulled them both into a bone crushing hug.

"We heard everything". Abby whispered to the couple. "Congrats and I'm sorry".

Ziva gave her a shaky smile. "It's alright, Abby. At least you're happy about Tony and I".

Abby let them both out of her embrace. "Are you kidding?" She asked with a wide smile. "McGee and I are thrilled! You two make the perfect couple".

"It's true". McGee agreed. "Be good to her, Tony". He said, patting Tony on the back.

Gibbs walked up to where his team was gathered, and cleared his throat. "DiNozzo, David". He started. "I'm breaking Rule 6. I'm sorry".

Tony and Ziva looked up at him. Tony placed an arm around Ziva's waist protectively. Ziva melted into his side, and placed her hand on his back.

"Look, I was a complete ass. I was just worried that the team would have to broken up if you two didn't work out. You guys are like my family. I couldn't risk loosing my family again".

Tony looked at Ziva, and she nodded. Tony looked back at his boss, and smiled a small grin. "You're forgiven boss. But don't do that again. You are like a father to us. To all of us. It kills us when you act like that". Tony stated firmly.

Gibbs and Tony shook hands. He kissed Ziva on the forehead, and whispered "I'm sorry Ziver" in her ear.

Abby clapped her hands together. "Let's celebrate!" She announced happily. "We should make a campfire!"


It was nine at night, and the Team Gibbs were busy building a campfire. Abby was busy in the kitchen; preparing the snacks and the drinks they were going to have. Gibbs was busy chopping up large chunks firewood, into smaller chunks that fit in the firepit. Tony and McGee filled the chopped up wood into a wheelbarrow, then passed it to Ziva; who was busy building the fire.

Ziva had experience building a fire from when her father would leave her in the forest. She often had to stay overnight, so she taught herself how to build a fire. Ziva circled the fire pit, adding blocks of wood in a 'Tiki' fashion. She then added dead leaves and twigs into the center of the tiki-style fire pit, and took out a lighter from her cargo pants pocket. She lit one of the twigs on fire, and threw into the center. Through the gaps of the firewood, she saw a tiny flame. Bending down, she lightly blew on the flame.

As if by magic, the flame grew stronger, and spread to the dead leaves. She lightly blew on the fire again, and it spread to one of the logs. The fire would not die down now. Satisfied by her job, Ziva stood up, and called to everyone that there was fire.

"Alright!" Tony exclaimed as he stood near the fire, warming his hands. "All we need now is-".

"S'mores?' Abby finished, and walked out of the house with a plate full of s'mores in her hand.

"You read my mind". Tony stated, grinning. "Now all we need is music!"

Sorry it was so short. I just started school, so I didn't have much time to write.

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