Chapter: 4 Getting Settled

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It was about an hour later until everyone from Team Gibbs had unpacked, and gotten everything situated. Gibbs had the master bedroom (of course) and had his own bathroom. Tony and Ziva had one bedroom with a Queen sized bed, and McGee and Abby had an identical room to Tony's and Ziva's, right across the hall. Unfortunately, Tony, McGee, Ziva, and Abby all had to share a bathroom. They fought about evenly dividing the small counter space by the sink into four parts, and how much time one was to spend in the bathroom.

Abby had taken close to twenty minutes in the shower, and it led to McGee banging on the door to get her to hurry up.

Tony was singing while he was relieving himself in the toilet, and Gibbs, Abby, McGee, and especially Ziva were annoyed by his out of tune singing that sounded more like screeching rather than singing. Ziva had enough, and went over the bathroom door. She kicked it, and hit it, and yelled at him in Hebrew to shut up. Even though Tony didn't understand what she said, he got the memo and shut up.

It was now seven in the evening, and everyone on Team Gibbs finished eating dinner. Ziva cooked, and everyone gobbled it up. Abby had been right; Ziva's cooking did indeed rock.

"How about we bike to the SHARC Pool tomorrow?" Abby suggested as she placed her plate in the dishwasher. "I really wanna go down the waterslides, and swim in the lazy river".

"Sounds good to me!" Tony agreed.

McGee, Ziva, and Gibbs agreed as well.

"What should we do for the rest of the day?" Ziva asked. "I was thinking maybe biking some more, or playing some games". Ziva pointed to a shelf in the living room that was filled with card and board games.

"We could do that too!" Abby said excitedly. "Then we can relax in the hot tub and watch TV".

At the sound of 'hot tub', Tony whipped his head around to look at the back patio of the cabin/house. "Ah sweet!" He exclaimed. "We have a jacuzzi!"

Ziva rolled her eyes. "Did you honestly just notice that now?" She questioned. "You aren't that good of an investigator as I thought".

Tony made a face of mock annoyance. "Hardy har har, Ziva. You're so funny". Tony said.

Ziva stuck her tongue out at him, and Tony did the same.

Gibbs walked over to the bickering pair, and smacked them both upside the head. "Knock it off you two". He ordered, and head slapped Tony again for good measure.

Tony winced, and rubbed the back of his head. "She started it, Boss". Tony explained.

"Ya think I care?" Gibbs asked. Throwing his arms up in air in exasperation.

"No boss. Sorry boss". Tony quickly apologized.

Gibbs smirked. "I'm going to bed. Night all". He gave Abby and Ziva kisses on each cheek, and patted McGee and Tony on the back.


"So which side? Right or left?" Tony asked Ziva as they got ready to go to bed.

"Left". Ziva answered.

"Alrighty then".

Without saying a word to each other, Tony and Ziva both climbed in bed to their respective sides, and quickly fell into an easy sleep. They had been exhausted from traveling to the other side of the United States.

Tony awoke in the middle of the night with a start.

Ziva was snoring like a drunken sailor with emphysema. He rolled over to her, wanting to shake her to make her wake up so that he could finally get some sleep. He was about to shake her, when he stopped to stare at her face. It seemed peaceful. Innocent perhaps. Like the Ziva that was sleeping next to him was different than the tough, badass, ninja assassin Ziva he knew who sat in the desk opposite him.

He had to resist the urge to stroke her cheek, or to kiss her temple. Resist the urge to whisper sweet nothings in her ear that would make her blush and smile.

Tony had many fantasies about Ziva. In the early years, they had been purely sexual fantasies. However, it had changed. Tony no longer thought of Ziva as a sexual object; no longer a quest to get himself into her pants.

Now, his fantasies had turned into more romantic ones. Her face of delight and pure adoration when he learned phrases in her mother tongue, holding her tightly as they watched a movie together, or kissing her passionately while they sat in front of a roaring fire.

Giving into temptation, Tony stroked Ziva's cheek. Her snoring seemed to cease as Tony touched her, but he wasn't sure if it was his imagination or not. He ran his fingers up and down her upper arm and shoulder, and Ziva actually stopped snoring. She moaned in content, and gave off a small smile. Even though she was asleep, Tony's touch was still affecting her.

Tony smiled and kissed her on the temple. "Goodnight Ziva. Sweet dreams". He whispered to her, before he fell asleep with her in his arms.

Awww! How sweet is Tony 😍. Who else really wants Tony's fantasies to happen?!

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