Chapter 5: Bike Ride

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It was eight in the morning, and the team decided to bike to the Deschutes River to eat breakfast. It was the perfect idea; eating breakfast on a beautifully picturesque view of river.

Since Gibbs was the team leader, he led the way to the picnic spot. They passed by fields of long blades grass, heavily wooded forests, and meadows where horses were peacefully grazing.

Ziva was in awe. Since she loved nature, Oregon was the ideal place for her. She grew up in the desert, and there wasn't much wildlife, or beautiful views there. But now that she was in Oregon, she fell in love with that state. Everything was so peaceful and quiet. Ziva thought nothing could get more beautiful, than the Oregon countryside.

Tony was also taken aback by the Oregon beauty. A few times, he had stopped to take many pictures of the mountain in the distant, and the many trees and meadows that he had biked past. His favorite had been the mountains. Sure, the meadows and green pastures, and the forests full of wildlife were nice, but nothing could beat the majestic beauty of the mountains. During the plane ride to Oregon, he had spotted one during their descent. Wanting to keep that image forever, he took a picture of it with his digital camera. Tony planned on capturing everything with his camera.

They had finally made it to their picnic spot right by the Deschutes river. The parked their bikes and leaned them on a nearby tree, and took out their breakfast. They ate in silence, and stared out onto the river. They watched as a family of ducks swam by, and watched deer graze in the meadow, on the other side of the river.

Gibbs finally broke the silence when they had all finished eating their breakfast.

"We should head back now". He advised. "It's going to get hot pretty soon, so we should cool off by the pool".

"Sounds good to me". Abby said, and everyone agreed.

They threw away their trash in a nearby trash bin, and hopped on their bikes.


"Wow, good workout". Tony commented as they reached Meadow House #19. "I used muscles I never thought I had. My buttocks is sore".

It was a difficult bike ride going to their cabin. They had to bike up a very steep hill, and with the sun beating down on them without a breeze or shade, it was an exhausting task.

"Aww darn". Abby exclaimed, examining her arms. "I'm pink. I didn't think I needed to put on sunscreen, but I guess I did".

"That's ok Abby. I packed AfterSun". Ziva told her kindly.

"Oh my gosh thank you!" Abby thanked here gratefully, letting out a huge sigh of relief. "That was the only thing I forgot to pack".

Ziva gave her a small smile. "It's in my drawer in the bathroom. You can put some on after we go to the pool.

Abby's eyes lit up. "I call the bathroom to change for the pool! Shotgun!"

The four of them bolted for the front door; trying to reach the bathroom first. They push and shoved each other, as they raced to the bathroom. Since Abby had a head start, she reached to bathroom first. She slammed the door on Tony's, McGee's, and Ziva's faces, and locked the door.

Hope you liked it!! Next chapter will be them at the pool, so it will be posted soon😆

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